Rasa Dhatu Flashcards
How does the function of Rasa dhatu happen through Rasa vaha srotas?
Rasa Dhatu is the first Dhatu which is formed from Ahara Rasa (nutrient portion) of the food. It circulates throughout the body via Sira-jala (veins), Hrdya (heart), Dhami jala (arteries) and Rasaynai jala including lasika granthis (lymphatics) and plasma, carrying with it Poshakamsas (nourishment) to the remaining Dhatus.
What is the chief seat/root organs of Rasa vaha srotas?
Hrudya (heart) and Mula dhamnis (10 great arteries)
What is the mala of Rasa Dhatu?
How does rasa dhatu covert into rakta dhatu?
Ahara rasa –>Jathara agni –>Payaswini (lacteal - lymphatic capillary that absorbs fats in the villi of sm. intestine) –> divides into A.) Hrudya B.) Liver –>ranjak pitta –>rakta dhatu –> Hrudya later to join Rasa dhatu
What are the factors that cause disorders in Rasa Vaha Srotas?
- Ahara - food
- Vihara - lifestyle
- Mansik Udwega - mental emotions
- Vishista Vyadhi - diseases of other organs
What are the organs to examine for Rasa dhatu?
Hrudya (heart)
1. Shira & Dhamnis (veins & arteries)
2. Lasikas, granthi, & vahinis (lymphatic system)
Where do you examine Dhamnis (arteries) & Shira (veins)
- Wrists
- Two sides of ankles
What are the symptoms of Rasa dhatu vitiation in Vata Dosha?
- Hrudyadrava(Tachycardia)
- Hrudya Stambha (Bradycardia)
- Hrudya Shula (Angina)
- Hrudya sunyata (lightness/emptiness in chest (depression))
- Kapat vartaka (valvular disorders)
- Kathinya (hardness inside)
- Rushata (dryness)
- Dushchaya (change in color)
- Karsya (thin/weak - emaciation)
What are the symptoms of Rasa dhatu vitiation in Pitta Dosha?
- Hrudya shopa(inflammation of heart pericardium/great vessles)
- Hrudya avadarana(heart burning sensation)
- Rakta srava (bleeding)
- Ati mardava(weakness)
- Daha(burning sensation)
- Trishna(thirst)
- Ushma(increased temp. due to periphery dilation to burn toxins)
What are the symptoms of Rasa dhatu vitiation in Kapha Dosha?
- Hrudya Ayama(heart enlargement)
- Hrudya gourava(heart heaviness)
- Hrudya yotkleda(accumulation of fluid)
- Hrudya stambha(CHF)
- Marga Sankocha(narrowing of lumen)
- Ati snigdha(oiliness)
- Sotha(swelling)
- Saitya(feeling cold)
- Gurutwa(heaviness)
- Praseka(excess salivation due to toxin release from kapha ama)
- Kasa/Swasa(cough/dypsnea)
- Mansik lakshana(mind symptoms - drowsiness, lethargy)
- Nindra nasa(loss of sleep)
- Maran bhaya(fear of death)
- Sabda Asahishnuta(incapacity to bear w/noise)
- Moha(delusions)
- Sangna Nasa(unconsciouness)
What is the primary treatment for Rasa dhatu vitiation?
Upvasa - fasting
Wholesome food to prevent rasa dhatu vitiation
How many Anjali’s is Rasa dhatu?
9 anjali’s
How many days does it take to make Rasa dhatu?
24 hours/1 Day from digested food
What is the agni site for rasa dhatu?
Veins and Arteries
How do you treat imbalanced rasa dhatu?