Mamsa Dhatu Flashcards
What is Mamsa Dhatu?
Muscle tissue
What is the seat/root(mula) of Mamsa dhatu strotas?
Twak(skin) & Snayu(tendons)
What are the gunas for mamsa dhatu?
Sthula(gross form), sthira(static), guru(heavy), khara(rough), kaithinya(hard), salaksana(smooth)
What is the 4 functions of mamsa dhatu?
- Lepa(covering) of skeleton
- Sarira pusthi (strengthening of body)
- Medas pusthi(nourshing body fat)
- Mala pusthi(nourshing waste products)
What happens with decreased activity of mamsa dhatu
Mamsa Vridhi(increase of tissue)
What happens with increased activity of mamsa dhatu?
Mamsa Kshaya(destruction of tissue)
What are some reasons to Mamsa vaha srotodusti?
- Ahara(food) - guru, ruksha, sthula - causing obstruction in passage and increase moisture in body; over-eating, unwholesome food, malnutrition
- Vihara(lifestyle) - lack of exercise, heavy exertion, ETOH, caffeine drinks
- Injuries - cuts, abuse, improper massage, animal bits, stings, fist blows
- Microorganisms
What are symptoms of Vata vrudhi in mamsa vaha srotas?
- Mamsa(muscle) - dryness, roughness, wasting, hardness, tremors, uncoordinated moments
- Tendons(snayu) - dryness, irregularity of activities
- Skin(twak) - dryness, cracks, lack of luster, cold, bluish pink color, pins & needles sensation, irregular perspiration, goosebumps
What are symptoms of Pitta vrudhi in mamsa vaha srotas?
- Mamsa(muscle) - red color, increased moisture & metabolism, pus, gangrene, softness, tumors, inflammation, glossy, smooth
- Tendons(snayu) - soft, warm, inflammaton
- Skin(twak) - burning sensations, itching, profuse sweating, graying of hair, baldness
What are symptoms of Kapha vrudhi in mamsa vaha srotas?
- Mamsa(muscle) - increased moisture and fat, thickness, stony hard, increase in bulk, edema, tumors
- Tendons(snayu) -too much moisture, fat, inflammation
- Skin(twak) -white color, oiliness, thickness, edema, thick secretion, cold, tumors, scanty or no sweat
What is Mamsa agni?
Mamsa dwatagni
How do you treat mamsa dhatu imbalances?
Purification, surgery, alkalization, quarterization