Randoms Flashcards
Which all conditions are associated with the HLA- DR3 gene?
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Coeliac disease
Sjogren syndrome
Myasthenia gravis
Management of diverticulitis
IV cefuroxime and metronidazole
Increased soluble fibre
Increased water intake
Decreased caffeine intake
What is the xyphoid process and its signignificance?
Its a small cartilagenous process of the lower part of the sternum, usually ossified by 40 yrs of age in humans. It is present at the T6 level.
Significance: it should be endured that during cpr the hands must be placed above the xyphoid process at the base of sternum to prevent its breaking away.
What are the effects of underage alcohol drinking?
It leads to smaller hippocampal memory
What is the effect of alcohol exposure on the foetus in-utero?
Leads to Foetal alcohol syndrome growth deficiency mental retardation/intellectual impairment attentional learning disabilities behavioural problems
What are the chronic effects of alcohol consumption on the cardiovascular system?
What are the chronic effects of alcohol consumption on the CNS?
Cerebellar degeneration
What are the chronic effects of alcohol consumption on the GIT?
Gastric ulceration
What is a haematologic effect of chronic alcohol consumption?
Bone marrow suppression