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/ˈfʊt̬.ɪdʒ/ - pronunciacion
having a larger distance from one side to the other than is usual or expected, especially in comparison with the length of something; not narrow
a wide river/road/gap/foot
- His eyes were wide
- a wide path
used when describing how long the distance between the two sides of something is or when asking for this information
(cinco milhas, três polegadas, etc. de largura)
- The rectangle is 5 cm long and 1.9 cm wide.
- The swimming pool is five metres wide.
- How wide are your skis
(o quão largo sao seus skis?)
sleep on
delay making a decision on something until the following day.
- “I’m going to sleep on it tonight, and I’ll make the decision tomorrow”
fail to notice the excellence of someone or something.
- “stop sleeping on this fantasic woman and give her the recognition she rightfully deserves”
he always finds a way to stuff things up
If you are stuffed up, your nose is blocked with mucus, usually because you have a cold:
- He sounds all stuffed up - is he all right?
- a stuffed-up nose
(slang) To ruin or harm. Don’t drink tonight, because it’ll stuff you up before your business trip. (slang, UK, Australia) To make a big mistake. We lost the match because of the goalkeeper stuffing up.