listening Flashcards
marks, track = pegadas, marcas
a path or rough road that is made of soil rather than having a surface covered with stone or other material:
- The house is at the end of a dirt/an unmade track.
a type of path or road, often in the shape of a ring, that has been specially designed and built for sports events, especially racing:
- a dog/horse track
- The runners are now on their final lap of the track.
a sport in which people compete with each other by running a race on a specially prepared circular path:
- a track event
- the general name for a particular group of sports in which people compete, including running, jumping, and throwing
go over
to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way:
- No need to rush, sleep on this proposal,go over it, and gimme and aswer tomorrow
1 – Veremos primeiramente exemplos de go over como revisar com atenção:
- Can you please go over it again, more slowly?
- The teacher went over the lesson with the class.
- last week my maths teacher was going over potenciacao
2 – Agora, veremos exemplo de go over como praticar:
- Let’s go over these lines one more time.
- Sue’s going to help me go over my lines for the play.
3 – Nos exemplos abaixo veremos go over como ir para algum lugar:
- Let’s go over to the store and buy a snack.
- Kara was feeling lonely, after he broke up with her, so I went over and cheered her up.
4 – Ser bem recebido também é um sentido possível de go over:
- The party went over really well.
- that was her first dat, and she gor over pretty well (?)
- The play really went over with the audience
5 – Os últimos exemplos serão no sentido de limpar algo rapidamente:
- He’d gone over the car with a cloth, wiping fingerprints from the steering wheel (volante) and the door handles.
- The table still looked dusty, so I went over it with a damp cloth.(pano húmido)
- I went over the living room with the vacuum cleaner before they arrived.
pick up steam
Assim, por exemplo, pick up steam é usada com frequência para falarmos de uma melhora na economia. A economia está acelerando – it’s picking up steam. Mas esse é só um exemplo – o inglês jornalístico está cheio de outros mais!
Traduzimos pick up steam como “ganhar força”, “dar uma acelerada/animada”, “acelerar o passo”, etc.
- he´s presidential campaign was picking up steam, i even thought he was going to win
- After a slow start, the project began to pick up steam.
Uma variação pode ser get up steam, “juntar força”:
- I’m trying to get up enough steam to finish writing this book, but it’s not easy.
(Estou tentando juntar força suficiente para terminar de escrever esse livro, mas não é fácil.) - i am trying ok!, i´m tryring to pick up enough steam to get outta this room, but it´s hard, and you do not understand