Random Recall Part 1 Flashcards
Egfr range that vascular access should be considered
level of GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) does insulin resistance become deranged in uremic carbohydrate metabolism
Biopsy of skin tissue showed fibroblast- like cell that stained with procollagen I and CD34
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
bone biopsy: Histologic results show increased rate of bone formation, increased bone resorption, extensive osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity and progressive increase in endosteal peritrabecular fibrosis
Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica
hormonal dysfunction leads to sexual dysfunction in both males and female patients with CKD
increase prolactin
average latency period (in days) before the onset of nephritis in postpharygitic cases of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
7-21 days
type of membranoproliferative GN is a retinal examination indicated
Dense Deposit Disease
minimum adequate amount of specimen needed for transplant biopsies
10 glomeruli 2 arteries
parasitic disease cause glomerular involvement owing to reduced expression of complement receptor 1
antihypertensive medications used in pregnancy has been associated with fetal growth restriction
physiologic mechanisms during pregnancy exacerbates renal damage in patients with preexisting renal disease
Increase RBF and GFR
primary mechanism of water, sodium, and chloride transport in the descending thin limb of the Loop of Henle
passive diffusion
renal tumor can cause excess aldosterone leading to hypertension and hypokalemia
renal juxtaglomerular tumor
type of renal angiomyolipoma that is known to be locally aggressive, have the ability to metastasize, and tend to recur
asymptomatic microscopic hematuria
more than 3 RBC/HPF in at least two of three samples
pathophysiologic mechanism of Cisplatin-induced AKI
tubular toxicity
renal autoregulation works until a mean systemic arterial blood pressure of
80 mmhg
most important substance produced by the endothelium for BP regulation
nitric oxide
30# of NaCl reabsorption occur
loop of henle
transcellular NaCl via a Cl-OH exchanger in the proximal tubule is mediated by which protein
vasopressin in NaCl transport in the TAL
apical Na K 2Cl cotransport
major mechanism of potassium transport in proximal tubule
paracellular pathway
estrogen in Calcium transport
decrease urine ca excretion
primary collagen producing cells during kidney injury
hematuria secondary to pigment nephropathy
positive for blood and urine RBC is 0-2/hpf
layer of the peritoneum is duplicated after long-term peritoneal dialysis (PD) treatment or ex- posure to a high glucose concentration
Submesothelial basement membrane
minimum ultrafiltration volume (ml) needed to determine ultrafiltration failure in a PD patient who undergoes peritoneal equilibration test (PET)
benefits of icodextrin use
Better lipid profile, lower mortality, regression of LVH
level of GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) does insulin resistance become deranged in uremic carbohydrate metabolism
laboratory test can be used as an index for monitoring the evolution of renal osteodystrophy and serves as a surrogate measure of bone turnover
Parathyroid hormone
disorder shows progressive hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the parathyroid hormone and is one of the hallmarks of disordered mineral metabolism in CKD
tertiary hyperparathyroidism
primary mechanism of water, sodium, and chloride transport in the descending thin limb of the Loop of Henle
passive diffusion
marked renal physiologic change induced by hypokalemia
NaCl retention
Na cotransporter affected in pseydohypoaldosterinusm type II (Gordon syndrome)
transport channel affords the ability to increase reabsorption of sodium within the CCD without affecting potassium secretion
Thiazide sensitive NCC
hypoK, low renin, high aldo
primary hyperaldosteronism
treatment of PA
Treatment for PHA I
hyperK, high renin, high aldo
hyperK low renin low aldo
hypreninimec hypoaldo
treatment of hyporenin hypoaldo
loop diuretics
stimulates sodium reabsorption in the thick ascending limb
Vasopressin, PTH, glucaogon, calcitonin, B adrenergic agonist
1, alpha, 25(OH)D decrease/increase expression of calbindin D
The parathyroid hormone decrease/increase the activity of TRPV5 channels
Furosemide activates/inhibits NaK2Cl cotransport type 2
Ca sensing receptor activation inhibits/activates NKCC2 activity
DIalysis water contaminant causing cardiac arrhythmia and death
dialysis water contaminant causing osteomalacia, microcytic anemia, dialysis associated encephalopathy – dementia and movement disorder