Random PH Flashcards
2 types of equity
Horizontal and vertical
Horizontal = equal treatment for equal need.
Vertical =unequal treatment for unequal needs.
Dimensions of health equity
Spatial and social
What is fair and just. Process
Equal shares for everyone. outcome
3 domains of public health practise
health improvement (e.g. prevention) Health protection (e.g. control infections) Improving services (e.g. healthcare)
3 health behaviours
Sick role
Factors which influence perceptions of risk
Lack of personal experience
Belief it is preventable with personal actions.
Belief it wont happen if it hasn’t occurred by now.
Belief the problem is infrequent.
Name all the models of behaviour change
Health belief model Theory of planned behaviour Transtheoretical model Social norms theory Motivational interview Nudging
Name some determinants of health
Prevention paradox
Prevention measures may bring benefit to a population but offer little benefit to individual participants.
Reasons for association in a trial
Chance Bias Cofounding factors Reverse causality True causal association.
ability to benefit from intervention
What intervention the people ask for
What intervention is provided
3 types of health needs assessments
Framework for evaluation of health service
Structure, Process, Outcome
Maxwell’s quality of healthcare
Efficiency, effectiveness, equity, acceptability, appropriateness/relevance, accessibility.
Characteristics of foetal alcohol syndrome
Small, underweight. Slack muscle tones Mental retardation. Thin upper lip Microcephaly Upturned nose Epicanthic folds
Screening for alcohol
Libertarian approach
Each is responsible for their own health, wellbeing and fulfilment of life.
Medical negligence
Was there a duty of care?
Was there a breach in the duty of care?
Bolam test
Would a group of reasonable doctors act the same?
Bolitho test
Would it be reasonable and logical to act in that way?
2 groups used in definition of malnutrition
undernutrition and overweight.
Name the factors in early life which may influence our feeding behaviours
Maternal diet when in utero
Parenting practises
Age of weaning to solid food and type of foods introduced.
Disadvantages of dieting
Long term weight loss if hard to maintain.
Weight cycling from repeated relapse causing ‘over-shoot’.
What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need
Motivational theory of psychology. Achieving one level e.g. physiological needs motivates us to move up and achieve safety needs.
Most common bias in screening
Length time. Disease is less aggressive when detected so mortality is lower in population diagnosed on screening than those diagnosed symptomatically.
3 factors used in theory of planned behaviour
Attitude to behaviour, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control.
Barriers to healthcare
Health is not a priorty
Administrative = no fixed address
Transport or access = no same day appts or cant get to GP pr further treatments.
Stigma and discrimination fear
A homeless patient is neglecting there on-going haemoptysis, explain using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs why… 👾👾👾
The most basic levels of need must be met until the person can go on to attain higher levels of need.
Health is on the safety level of needs and therefore above physiological needs such as breathing, food, water, sex, sleep. The homeless patient is yet to meet these basic needs so therefore won’t attain higher needs such as health.
Explain the Swiss Cheese Model of Error 🧀🥨🥖🍞🥯🥐🧀🧀🧀🧀
The layers of cheese in the swiss cheese model are defensive barriers against error occurring.
However the cheese has holes which are opportunities for the barrier to fail. In a never event the holes are aligned so all the safety net barriers are futile leading to an error.
It allows an initial problem at the beginning of the system to progress and adversely affect the outcome.
Psych condition when sat you have symptoms to attain the Sick Role Behaviour