Lecture Content Flashcards
Domestic Abuse Definition
Coercive and threatening behaviour to a person over the age of 16 years who has an intimate or family relationship with the offender. Action may be physical, emotional, financial, psychological or sexual.
Types of injury from domestic abuse
traumatic e.g. miscarriage or broken bone. somatic illness or chronic disease e.g. pelvic pain or headaches. psychological or psychosocial injury e.g. eating disorder or PTSD
Children who live with domestic abuse in environment
Type of emotional abuse to child. Need safe guarding.
Toxic triangle
domestic abuse –> parental substance misuse –> parental mental health problems.
Risk assessment and tool for domestic abuse. Organisations involved
DASH risk assessment. Standard, medium or high. If high must refer to MARAC and IDVAS
Domestic homicide review
a review of the circumstances of death of a person over the age of 16 which could have resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a person to whom (s)he was related or with whom (s)he was or had been in an intimate personal relationship, or (b) a member of the same household as himself.
Determinants of health
genes, environment (physical, social and economic), lifestyle, healthcare.
Equality definition
equal shares, objective measure.
Equity defintion
what is fair or just, subjuective
2 types of equity and definitions
horizontal = equal treatment for equal needs. Vertical equity = unequal treatment for unequal needs.
Determinants of health equity which can be used to measure health equity
equal expenditure, equal access/allocation, equal utilisation, equal outcomes from needs, equal health.
Dimensions of health equity
Spatial = geographical. Social = age, gender class/socialeconomic status, ethnicity.
3 domains of public health practise
Health improvement, health protection, health care
Definition of health improvement
societal interventions for preventing disease, improve health, prevent inequalities
definition of health protection
concerned with communicable disease and controlling infectious disease risks and
environmental hazards
definition of health care
Improving services and creating an organisation which delivers the best safest care.
3 health behaviour categories and alternative classification with 2
health behaviour, illness behaviour, sick role behaviours or health damaging and health promoting behaviours
Definition of health behaviours
behaviour aimed to prevent disease e.g. healthy eating
Definition of illness behaviour
behaviour aimed at seeking remedy e.g. seeing Dr
sick role behaviour definition
behaviour aimed at getting well e.g. taking prescribed drugs
Impact of poor health behaviours
Increased disease, increased cost (direct on NHS and indirect), increased days off from work
Factors influencing compliance
education, socioeconomic status, symptomatic, misinformation, side effects