Food & behaviour, alcohol and substances Flashcards
Factors effecting excessive energy intake
genetics, Shiftwork & employment, adverts & promotions, psychological factors, sleep, physical activity, food composition (energy, satiety, portion), environmental cues, early developmental factors.
deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake in energy and or nutrients including UNDERNUTRITION and OVERWEIGHT.
medical conditions requiring diet advice
DM, eating disorders, cystic fibrosis, coeliac disease, IBD.
early influences on feeding behaviour
maternal diet, breastfeeding, parenting practices, introduction of solid food, type of food exposure during weaning.
In Utero Maternal diet influence
Taste and olfactory system capable of detecting flavour before birth in amniotic fluid e.g. garlic, anise, chilies - CHEMICAL CONTINUITY
Young babies can show preference to foods which were induced into amniotic fluid by mother’s diet.
Components & benefits of breast milk
Colostrum. Foremilk = watery and Hindmilk = more energy dense. Aid digestion via enzymes, gut protection, anti-infective, antibodies, dental hygiene.
Breastfeeding’s influence on feeding behaviours
Taste/composition of breastmilk can vary throughout day, babies get repeated and varied exposure to different tastes. CHEMICAL CONTINUITY. Can lead to better acceptance of new foods during weaning, less picky eaters in childhood and richer fruit and veg diet.. Questionable obesity prevention.
Parental influence on feeding behaviours
Tactics such as coercion, persuasion, contingencies to introduce new foods have PARADOXICAL effect. Improve feeding by
- responsive feeding when hungry.
- avoid pressure to eat.
- variety of food.
- not using food as reward.
- ‘healthful’ eating behaviours.
Types of eating disorders
Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Binge eating disorder.
eating disorder definition
clinically meaningful behavioural or psychological pattern of distress, disability or increase mortality and morbidity with eating or weight.
Forms of dieting
restrict total intake of food.
restrict certain food
restrict time/extend non-eating periods.
problems with dieting
increase risk of developing eating disorder.
loss of lean body mass.
slow metabolic rate and energy expenditure.
disrupt normal appetite responses.
Challenge to maintain long-term weight loss.
2 factors of obesity susceptibility
Unresponsive to internal cues (satiety/full) and vulnerable to external cues (promotions/available food)
Unsuccessful dieting
restraint, disinhibition, portion size, individual differences, socio-economic influence.
Unit of alcohol =
(% alcohol x amount ml) ÷ 1000
Questions in CAGE
Cut down? Annoyed when criticised over alcohol? Guilt on drinking? Eye opener in morning?
What does AUDIT stand for?
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
2 drugs for opioid withdrawal maintenance therapy
Methadrone and Buprenorphine.
Community services for substance misuse
Need exchanges Sexual health screening Immunisation Contraception Signposting for stop services.