Random Path Flashcards
3 major components of acute inflammation
Vascular size change
Structural change(vasodilation)
Immigration of neutrophils
RUBOR(redness), CALOR(heat), DOLOR(pain), TUMOR(swelling)
cell types for chronic inflammation
macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells
granulomatous inflammation
inflammation with large collections of macrophages
4 types of necrosis
Coagulative- myocardial infarction
LiquiFactive- Fungal infection in Lungs
Caseous- TB
Fat necrosis
4 types of hypersensitivities
1: Anaphalactic
2: Cytotoxic
3. Immune-Mediated
4: Delayed
Anaphalactic hypersensitivity
Antibody type:
Type 1 hypersensitivity
5-30 minutes
Activates B-lymphocytes and IgE
Histamine release
food allergies
Cytotoxic hypersensitivity
Antibody type:
Type 2
IgG, IgM (grandMa)
GrandMa shoot at the enemy but cause destruction around it
Erythroblastoma fetalis, Rheumatic (heart valve) fever
Immune-complex-mediated hypersensitivity
Type 3
Mediated by antigen antibody complexes
Attacks neutrophils leading to lysosomal damage.
Systemic lupus erythematosus or penicillin reaction
Delayed/cell mediated hypersensitivity
Type 4
T lymphocytes encounter antigen, release leukokinin, leading to macrophage activation
TB skin test, contact dermatitis, corneal transplant rejection
systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE)
Femal 10:1 male
Malar rash
Antinuclear antibodies (ANA)
Joint pain
Rheumatoid arthritis
worse in morning
40-50 y/o
positive RF test
Sjogren’s syndrome
Effects exocrine cells
Dry mouth, dry eyes, arthritis
Temporal arteritis
Giant cell arteritis
55 Y/o+
scalp tenderness and jaw claudication.
Pt will often have polymyalgia rheumatica(stiff painful muscles)
C reactive proteins
Temporal biopsy
Wegners granulomatosis
systemic vasculitis involving upper res[iratory, lungs, and kidneys
Disorder causing inflammation and vascular changes of skin and internal organs
Erythema Multiforme
Bullseye lesions
Pemphigus Vulgaris
Vulgar blistering of skin caused by IgG against desmosomes.
Nikolski test(pop blister)
Bullous Pemphigoid
Blistering disease caused by autoimmune response to hemidesmosomes
Oral lichen planus
No plan for cure
chronic inflammatory disorder
Wickhams striae-white papule/striations
RNA virus that uses reverse transcriptase to make viral DNA
Elisa test and western blot are used to confirm
Lesion has a stuck on appearence. Tan colored
Seborrheic keratosis
Isolated dome shaped nodules on the face that mimic squamous cell carcinoma
Slow growing squamous epithelial tumors(viral warts) caused by HPV. Can have skin tag appearance.
Yellow elevated plaque like lesions on the medial portion of the eyelid
Chronic infectious skin condition caused by pox virus. If multiple nidules are present ,HIV may be present
Molluscum Contagiousm
Honey colored crusted lesions caiused by gram + infection
Malignant melanoma
Most common cancer of young women
Depth is best prognostic indicator
ABCDE: asymetry, border iregularity, color differences, diameter and enlarging.
Basal cell carcinoma
Malignancy in babsal cell layer. Shiny, firm nodule.
Treat with biopsy or 5-FU
Malignancy in squamous layer.
Can arise from non-cancerous lesion actinic keratosis
most common cause of primary amenorrhea
No menstraul cycle
Turners syndrome(Xo)
Hyperpigmentation of the lips, vermilian boarder, and buccal mucosa is a good indication for
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
A monogenic disorder
Cafe au lait spots, neurofibromas, and Lisch nodules
pt has osteomas in the jaw and has also had a colonectomy.
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Sickle cell anemia, Phenylketonuria, and Tay-sachs disease are all examples of
autosomal recessive diseases
Fabrys’ disease
X linked
abnormal lipid deposition on blood vessels.
Excrutiating pains in extremeties and abdomen.
often in young males
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy
X linked
deletion of gene encoding dystrophin
Hemophilia A
X linked
Deficiency in cofactor VIII
anemia caused by autoantibodies attacking parietal cells of the stomach.
Parietal cells produce intrinsic factor which is needed for absorption of B12.
Pernicious anemia
red blood cell cancer
Multiple Myeloma
Malignancy of platelet in bone marrow causing extensive bone destruction, unexplained anemia, hypercalcemia, acute renal failure
Reed sternberg cells are associated with
found in Hodgkins lymphoma
40% of lymphomas.
Ages 15-30 or 50+
50% association with EBV/Mono
Hodgkins and non hodgkins
Hodgkins- Reed Cells, 40%, associated with EBV/mono
Non-Hodgkins- enlarged neck or stomach lymphnodes, T/Bcell types
two types of acute Luekemias
leukimia- blast cells in bone marrow
AML-Acute myloblastic Lukemia- Excessive myeloblasts and Auer Rods
ALL- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia- Excessive lymphoblasts, 75% treatment
Philadelphia chromosomes associated with
C me Later in Philly
CML- Chronic Myelocytic Leukimia
Chronic leukimias
3 year survival, older pts., huge WBC count, Phili chromosomes
CLL- Lymphocytic
younger pts, 5-10 year survival,
Decreased WBC
Increased WBC
Usually response to infection, surgery , stress, pregnancy
Increased neutrophils.
Usually results from: stress, exercise, pain, fear, pathologic infections.
decreased in the number of RBC, WBCs, and platelets
Thrombus vs embolus
THromus stays where it formed, embolus moves
Embolism causes
Fat EMboli
Air Embolism
Amniotic Fluid
MOst common primary malignant brain tumor?
Glioblastoma Multiforme
Most common brain cancer in adults
is from metastisis of lungs, breast, or prostate
most common benign brain tumor
disease from inflammation and demyelination of peripheral nerves and motor fibers leading to weakness with fine motor movement
Guillian-barre syndrome GBS
Multiple sclerosis disease is caused by
recurrent inflammation of the CNS leading to demylenation
dificiency of dapamine disease
classic symptoms of parkinsons (TRAP)
Tremors at rest
Postural insability
Epidural vs subdural hematoma
Epidural is caused by middle meningeal leaking between skull and dura
Subdural happens between the dura and arachnoid space
chronic adrenocortical deficiency
addisons disease.
tumor secreting excess amounts of (nor)epinephrine.
most common bacterial STD
Viral- HPV
Treponema pallidum
causes Syphilis.
barrett’s esophagus
metaplasia of squamous cells to columnar in esophagus. can lead to adenocarcinoma
Chich hepatitus’ come from the bowels
Which hepatitus’ are spread via fluids(not saliva)
Hep B,C,D
Hepatitus that causes chronic hepatitus and cancer
Hep C
Inflammation of gallbladder secondary to obstruction or infection.
Fat fertile females over 40
Pain in right upper quadrant using Murphys test
labs for this disease show increased amylase and lipase in serum
Acute pancreatitis.
Pain radiating around umbilicus and could be to back if chronic.
Mostly due to chronic alcohol abuse or gallstones
otitis media
pai in ear caused by bacterial infections from strep pneumoniae and H. influenza
Benign mixed tumor(pleomorphic adenoma) -salivary
most common salivary neoplasm
Most common in parotid
Could be in upper lip, buccal mucosa, or posterior palate
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma (salivary)
Most common salivary malignancy
Papillary Cystadenoma Lymphomatosum(Warthin’s Tumor) (salivary)
Bilateral but masses may not be visible simultaneously
generally parotid
associated with cigarette smoking
Type of COPD
Pink puffers
Enlarged air spaces and decreased alveolar recoil
shortness of breath, decreased breath sounds, tachycardia
Chronic bronchitis
Type of COPD
Blue Bloaters
hypertrophy of mucous cells in lungs
Cyanosis of figners/toes and wheezing/crackling
3 types of malignant cancers
metastatic- moving
carcinomas- from epithelium
sarcomas- from mesenchyme(connective tissue)