Random Ortho stuff Flashcards
Describing Lumps and Bumps
- Site
- Size
- Overlying skin change
- Borders of the lump
- Consistency
- Attachment to skin or muscle
- Transilluminates?
- Slip sign
Describing Wounds
- Site
- Size
- Edges
- Roof/base of the wound
- Surrounding skin changes
Describing X-Rays
- View + Location
- Patient details(name,age,gender)
- Skeletally mature or not
- A for adequacy eg if all necessary vertebrae are visible
A for alignment - B for bone
- C for cartilage
- S for soft tissue
What to look out for on bone scans
Dark spots: Hot areas which denotes increased blood flow,usually a pathology
Risk factors for Avascular Necrosis
- Steroid use
- alcohol consumption
- Bisphosphonate use
- Smoking
- Thrombophilia?
- Sickle cell anemia
- Deep sea diving
Bisphosphonate use and moa+ ADR
To reduce risk of fragility fractures due to osteoporosis. bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. This causes old bone to be preserved that may be poorly perfused and result in osteonecrosis
What are osteopenia and osteoporosis
They are a continuum(osteoporosis is more severe) of decreased bone mass/density and disrupted bone microarchitecture
Risk factors for osteoporosis
- Increased age
- Menopause
- Metabolic abnormalities
- DM type 1
What is a Fragility fracture
A fracture resulting from mechanical forces that would not ordinarily cause a fracture(low energy trauma)
Definition of oligoarthritis
Joint involvement of 2-4
Classification for spondolisthesis
Classification for ankle fx
Classification for ankle fractures
Classification of hip fractures
Rules of 2 for ortho radiology
2 other joints
2 limbs
2 points of time
Haemarthrosis or fat-blood level in a case of trauma is a secondary sign of?
Intra articular fx
6 Ps of compartment syndrome
Indication for CT scan
Fracture that extends intraarticularly: for pre op planning
Lighthouse/landmark in elbow XR
Radial head
Lighthouse/landmark of wrist XR
Radial styloid
Lighthouse/landmark of shoulder
Lighthouse/landmark of knee XR
Landmark/lighthouse of lumbar spine
T12 attaches to last rib
Approach to fracture XR
- Which bone
- Complete or not
- Communited or not
- Displaced or not
- Angulated or not
- Type eg spiral, oblique
Triad of diabetic foot
Classification for diabetic foot
Indications for joint aspiration
Diagnostic and therapeutic
Usually tro Septic Arthritis
Classifications of Charcot foot
Eichenholtz and Brodsky
How pseudogout is diagnosed
Arthrocentesis showing rhomboid shaped positively birefringent crystals
What to suspect with pain on passive flexion of foot
Compartment syndrome
Sensitive screening blood test for Multiple Myeloma
Most sensitive tests for calf compartment syndrome
Passive flexion of big toe( Most sensitive)
Passive dorsiflexion of foot
Compartment most commonly affected in the calf by compartment syndrome
Out of the 4 compartments: Anterior
Mx of distal radius fx if not open/communited/intraarticular
4 types of pathological gaits
- Broad based
- Trendelenburg
- High stepping
- Antalgic
Causes of intoeing gait
- Metatarsus adductus
- Tibial torsion
- Femoral anterversion