Random Notes Flashcards
What should you do if you get an amber ICE annunciation on ED 1? What will happen to the annunciator?
You need to turn on all your anti-ice. Once all ice protection is on, the ICE annunciator will turn green because it is happy.
If you forget to turn on the Ice Probes, are you not going to get icing indications and die?
No. In flight/ Weight off wheels, all ice probes are automatically heated no matter what switch position.
What controls the starting and stopping (60%) functions of the APU ?
The APU ECU. (Electronic control unit)
Why the hell do we need to check both DC battery voltages prior to starting the APU?
The APU EPU is powered by the main battery.
The APU starter is powered by the APU Battery
Max hydraulic fluid temperature?
If one cabin pressurization controller (cpc) fails, what indications are there ?
A White FAIL status messege.
A pressurization controller is electric and you have two auto, plus an extra manual one. So loosing one isn’t that bad.
Why would you wait to turn on the windshield heat?
If the OAT is 25* C or greater, you gotta keep it off until takeoff!!!
What temperature are you supposed to use on the ground ?
The ATIS temp..
When do you need cowl anti-ice on?
When less than 10* C and visible moisture.
Contaminated runway/taxiway and less than 10*C
When should thrust reverse be stopped by on the 700 and max wheel speed 700?????
Thrust reverse max is 75KTS
max tire speed is 182
Explain the anti-skid test?
Anti-skid test switch …. Off
You will get inboard and out board OFF messages.
Then, turn the switch back on and messages should go out.
Pulling on the parking break will do what ?
Trap #3 hydraulic fluid in the Inboard breaks…..
What controls the anti-skid???
The Anti-skid control unit (ASCU) of course!
On the AFCS, how many FCCs are there and how many autopilots systems ???
The automatic flight control system has two FCCs and one Autopilot.
What is green and white needles ???
Green needles = Raw data (green for ground)
White Needles = FMS
How long will it take AHRS to initialize/ align in MAG and DG mode ?
MAG = 30-70 seconds
DG = 10-11 minutes
Cold, dark airplane. When you turn on the battery master switch, what lights on the panels will illuminate ? (7)
Do you have to open the nose compartment during walk around ? It has the TRUs…
How are Slats/Flaps controlled and actuated ?
What annunciators will illuminate when you enter icing conditions and don’t have the anti icing on ?
Amber caution “ICE” on ED 1
“ICE” switch light on anti-ice panel illuminates
What provides wing anti ice bleed air temperature and fire information to the AILC?
Dual temperature sensors and a dual loop in the wing.
What controls the air conditioning packs?
The respective side Air Conditioning System Controller. ACSC
What is the HPV associated with ?
It opens when 10th stage bleed air is needed.
What happens when you hit TOGA right before Takeoff?
You will see TOGA TOGA on top of each other on the PFD.
The flight director will move into the calculated optimum pitch and the FMS will position you at the end of the runway for navigation.
Once off the ground, your flight director will try to hold your lift off heading. It will only bank max of 5*
On the 900, how much oxygen do you need for a crew of 2 & 3?
2 = 1180 PSI
3 = 1630 PSI
Purpose of hydraulic SOV ?
Stop flow of hydraulic fluid to edp 1a & 2a
Where does the pressure come from when you pull the parking brake ?
The accumulator on the respective brake side…
During preflight, which compartments do we not open?
1) TRU compartment
2) nose cone (radome)
3) Avionics bay
If the PF says flaps 20 on speed =
When your speed hits 220, the PM will puts the flaps down to 20*
What is the heat sequence for the ice probe when heated.
Heats up for 5 seconds, cools down for 55 seconds.
What’s the thing in the forward compartment that says SAFT
Main Battery.
How many wheel brake accumulators are there ?
Five. Two for each brake and one for each hydraulic system.
When will you get OXY LO PRES message ?
1410 PSI
When you turn on all ice probe heat on the ground, which probe isn’t heated. Flight ?
The TAT probe.
Weight off wheels, all probes turn on regardless of switch position.
When does the FDR turn on ?
When does the CVR turn on ?
FDR turns on When you turn on the beacon light.
CVR turns on with the battery switch…
Is any pressure vessel doors not shown on the door synoptic page ?
Escape hatch…
If someone turns on the power switch on the external Refuel/Defuel panel, what indication will you get in the cockpit ?
“Auto cross flow inhibit”
shuts off cross flow ability to avoid fueling a wing and then it flows to the other tank.
What will happen if you get a gear bay over heat ?
An aural warning and master warning
Low pressure external environmental air goes straight into the ….
Mixing manifold
When you turn the battery master on, the air conditioning packs are illuminated “OFF” why ?
The left and right pack switch lights will be illuminated “off” because they are off. That simple. You push the switch light to turn them on…..
How many wheel brake accumulators are there ?
Five. Two for each brake and one for each hydraulic system.
When will you get OXY LO PRES message ?
1410 PSI
How many wheel brake accumulators are there ?
Five. Two for each brake and one for each hydraulic system.
When will you get OXY LO PRES message ?
1410 PSI
What does the amber “fault” mean on the electrical auto transfer switch light
Bus fault or generator is screwed up. GCU disabled the electricity from the IDG
What is the LCV?
APU Load control valve. Control bleed air from the APU to the ECS.
What has dual fire loops ?
Engines and APU.
When will the transfer ejectors start pumping with completely full tanks?
At what point will the environmental system switch from APU bleed air, to the Engine Bleed air?
Automatically on takeoff when: Gear up, flaps up, thrust levers reduced from TOGA to anything less.
When will the hydraulic B pumps come on ?
Flaps out of 0 and generator online.
How do you check O2 quantity during the cockpit safety inspection ?
ED 2 EICAS Status page on right side.
Do we do the FIREX test before every flight ?
Negative. Only first flight of the day.
What is the last thing to do after the APU start ?
Turn on the bleed air source and bleed air valves.
When you do a full check on the O2 mask, what two basic things are you looking for ?
That you can talk through the O2 microphone.
That it has O2 flow. You check that by pressing the red handles to inflate the inflatable harness.
Why would you turn on the Hydraulic 3B pump on during the cockpit safety inspection ???
To charge the parking break accumulators.
How do you check O2 quantity during the cockpit safety inspection ?
ED 2 EICAS Status page on right side.
Do we do the FIREX test before every flight ?
Negative. Only first flight of the day.
What is the last thing to do after the APU start ?
Turn on the bleed air source and bleed air valves.
When you do a full check on the O2 mask, what two basic things are you looking for ?
That you can talk through the O2 microphone.
That it has O2 flow. You check that by pressing the red handles to inflate the inflatable harness.
Why would you turn on the Hydraulic 3B pump on during the cockpit safety inspection ???
To charge the parking break accumulators.