General Flash Cards
Max runway slopes for takeoff and landing?
2% uphill and 2% downhill
Max altitude for extending flaps?
15,000 feet
Max operating altitude?
41,000 feet
Max airport pressure altitude for takeoff and landing?
10,000 feet
Max demonstrated crosswind for takeoff and landing?
22 kts (dry runway) 15kts (wet)
Max tailwind approved for takeoff and landing?
10 kts
Max tire speed?
195 kts groundspeed
Max landing gear operating speed for extension VLO?
VLO extension 220 KIAS
Max landing gear operating speed for retraction VLO?
VLO retraction 200 KIAS
Max landing gear extended speed VLE?
MAX turbulence penetration speed?
280 KIAS/0.75 Mach (Which ever is slower)
Max windshield wiper operation speed?
250 KIAS
VMO in knots
335 KIAS
0.85 Mach
MMO during flight in RVSM airspace?
0.82 Mach
Flap extended speeds VFE?
1 & 8 230 KIAS
20° 220 KIAS
30° 185 KIAS
45° 170 KIAS
76’ 3”
Height of tail?
24’ 1”
Min surface width for 180° turn?
80’ 1”
CRJ 900 length?
118’ 11”
Max pressure refueling fuel capacity?
Total 19,594 lbs
Mains 7492 lbs
Center 4610 LBS
Max gravity refueling fuel capacity?
Total -14,810 LBS
Mains- 7405 LBS
Center- 0 LBS
Max passenger seats?
79 pax
Max total AFT cargo compartment capacity?
4375 LBS
Max total FWD forward cargo compartment capacity
1700 LBS (850 fwd belly, 850 aft belly)
Max overhead bin weight capacity?
Row 1 – 4, 20 LBS; row 5 – 20, 65 LBS
Max ramp weight?
82,750 LBS (MRPW )
Max takeoff weight?
82,500 LBS (MT0W)
Max landing weight?
73,500 LBS (MLW)
Max zero fuel weight?
70,000 LBS ( MZFW )
Min flight weight?
45,000 LBS (MFW)
Described exemption 5487
Lost certificates-Call SOC and tell them you lost your certificates. They will fax you a copy from their records. The copy must state “Exemption 5487”. Copy good for 7 days. You have 72 hours to request an original from FAA. You must report to Mesa within 24 hours of receiving the original from FAA.
Can an aircraft be dispatched with only one set of Jeppesen charts? Explain.
If two sets can be combined to make one complete set then the chief pilot can sign off on the flight.
What is the current revision to the GOM and CFM? Latest flight crew memo? Latest Jeppesen revision?
Reference Record of Revisions page (GOM & CFM)
Reference Flight Crew Memo index
Reference Jeppesen revisions page
What docs and equipment are required in a crew members flight kit?
F lash light & FCC license G lasses H eadset I d mesa J eppesen K n/a L ogbook M edical N n/a O n/a P assport Pilot license Pen
GOM 2.14
When applying the marginal conditions rule to your alternate airport, do you add 500 feet +1 mile to the derived alternate minimums or to the actual approach minimums?
The 500 feet + 1 mile (500-1) visibility are added to the lowest suitable landing minimums for the airport (Destination or Alternate) to be used at the ETA at that airport.
Does the marginal conditions rule apply to weather conditions at ETA or +/- 1 hour of ETA?
Explain the purpose of exemption 3585.
Allows a flight to be dispatched to a destination airport and or alternate airport when TAF for either one or both of those airports indicate, by the use of conditional phrases in the remarks section of such reports, that the weather could be below authorized weather minimums at the ETA. The main body of such forecast must, however, indicate that the weather will be at/or above authorized weather minimums for ETA.
Does exemption 3585 apply to the weather conditions ETA or +/-1 hour of ETA?
The main body of such forecasts must, however, indicate that the weather will be at or above authorized weather minimums for ETA.
What is the lowest weather allowable in the remarks section of the forecast for the destination?
For the destination airport, that TAF weather conditions shall not be less than one half of the lowest weather minimums VISIBILITY only value, established for the instrument approach procedure expected to be used.
What is the lowest weather allowable in the remarks section of the forecast for the first alternate?
For the first alternate airport, TAF weather conditions shall not be less than one half of the weather minimums ceiling AND visibility values specified in the Mesa airlines OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS for that airport.
What must be added to a dispatch release for a flight operating under exemption 3585?
For the flights that this exemption is applied, the dispatcher will note in the remarks section of the release “dispatch under exemption 3585 crew will monitor SELCAL.” If SELCAL is inoperative, crew will monitor company frequencies.