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What is the defense mechanism where one retreat’s into their own private world 2/2 anxiety and stress? It is used to cope with trauma, interpersonal conflict and maintain self-esteem
Schizoid fantasy
What is the act of avoiding reality because it is too difficult to face
What is the act of attributing unacceptable ideas to someone else?
a primitive defense mechanism
What type of study identifies subjects with a certain disease or outcome and compares with a group of subjects without the disease or outcome of interest?
these are usually retrospective
case-control study
Define a retrospective cohort study
identification of a risk factor or exposure in a population and looks in the past to identify patients with exposure and pre determined outcome
may have errors 2/2 confounding bias
What type of study is longitudinal and follows participants over a period of time, participants share a common characteristic ?
Cohort study
“co” “common” “characteristic”
a study that is generally observational, looking a variable at one point in time comparing different populations or groups
Focuses on those with the variable or disease
Used to assess prevalence
Cross-sectional study
prevalence study or transverse study = other names
What does blockade of the vasodilatory beta 2 receptors cause?
Increased systemic vascular resistance
Beta2s located in lungs and peripheral vascular system therefore blocking the vasodilatory mechanism of the receptors causes vasoconstriction however beta blockers despite the increase in svr will decrease arterial bp 2/2 decreased heart rate = decreased cardiac workload
What type of organisms is the spleen responsible for fighting off?
Name some of these organisms
encapsulated organisms
including - clostridium, e. coli, streptococcus, haemophilus, pseudomonas
Your patient has received a splenectomy 2/2 splenic bleeding, after surgery which immunization should they receive? MMR, HPV, or Haemophilus influenza type b ?
Haemophilus influenza type b
c, p, s, e, b, y, c, s, c, p, h, nm, f, b
claustrophobic, pastor, salmon echoed back: yersinful crypt-dark strip clubs are pseudo-homes to nice men francis and bruce
When is the MMR vaccine given?
- during childhood normally
- adults born after 1957 without evidence of immunity
- women of child bearing age without evidence of rubella immunity
- given 2 dose 4 weeks apart
When is the HPV vaccine administered ?
Men and women Between ages 9-26
recommended 11-12 years of age
Who group is most at risk for acute asymptomatic bacteriuria becoming acute cystitis or acute pyelonephritis ?
Pregnant women
Prescribe antibiotics
According to the american diabetes association what is the target a1c for patients >65 years old ?
Particularly patients who are frail / with other comorbidities