Raid (Board) Flashcards
What is a raid?
Raids are surprise attacks against a position or installation for a specific purpose
other than seizing and holding the terrain.
How does a raid always end?
A raid always ends with a planned withdrawal off the objective and a return to the main body.
How long does a raid retain control of the objective?
Only long enough to complete the task (s).
What are the five phases of a raid?
1) Approach the objective.
2) Isolate the objective area.
3) Set conditions for the assault element.
4) Assault the objective.
5) Tactical movement away from the objective area.
What characterizes a raid?
x Destruction of essential systems or facilities (command and control nodes, logistical
areas, other high value areas).
x Provide or deny critical information.
x Securing of hostages or prisoners.
x Confusing the enemy or disrupting his plans.
x Detailed information collection (significant collection assets committed).
x Mission command from the higher headquarters to synchronize the operation.
x Creating a window of opportunity
Who normally controls the support element during a raid?
The Platoon Sergeant