Radiology of Bone (Q1) Flashcards
What is a Physeal Scar?
An opaque line that may be seen at the site of the physis, after physeal closure
Where is the nutrient foramen located?
How does the nutrient foramen appear when visualized end-on? Laterally?
What must it not be mistaken for?
- End-on→well defined, circular radiolucency w/ smooth, thin radio-opaque rim
- Laterally → linear lucent gap w/ a sclerotic border in the bone cortex
- Don’t mistake for a FX or lytic lesion
Key points for Good Bone Rads!
- @ least 2 views → 90° to each other (orthogonal views)
- Include joints above & below the injured bone
- Examine growth plates for injury in skeletally immature animals
- Repeat rads in 3 wks
- Compare to the contralateral limb if suspect subtle changes may have occured
- Stressed projections → if concerned about joint stability
If you suspect a fissure FX, but don’t see it on your rads what 2 options do you have?
- try a slighlty different projection angle
- Repeat rads in 7-10 d.
What can plain rads NOT assess?
Presence of damage to articular cartilage or surrounding ST
What may cause diffuse ST swelling?
Cellulitis or Edema
What may Focal ST swelling indicate?
- Abscess
- Hematoma
- Tumor or cystic lesion
- Effusion of synovial structure (joint, tendon sheaths or bursa)
What can cause calcification of ST?
Dystrophic or 2° to systemic dz.
Shift or displacement of fascial planes may indicate ________.
Joint effusion
What does the lucent line that represents joint space represent radiographically?
Mainly articular cartilage
(only a very small amt represents synovial fluid)
What is the disadvantge of taking joint rads on a recumbent animal (as in SAs)
Does not allow you to reliably assess joint width
How can bone destruction be visualized on a radiograph?
- As an area of reduced bone density or increased radiolucency
- Only detectable once ~ 50% of the mineral content has been lost
What is scelrosis?
increased bone density due to increased mineral content
What does the callus consist of in healing fractures?
Endosteal & periosteal new bone
What are Mach lines?
dark lines in areas of 2 bones that overlap & form an optical illusion
(can look like a fracture)