Radiography equipment Flashcards
The darkroom - necessary deisgn considerations 1 2 3 4 5
Seperate from the xray room
light proof
Locking device - to prevent entry at critical times
White reflective walls
Floor easily cleaned - spilages of chemicals
The darkroom - benches
Dry bench
wet bench
The dry and wet bench should be ___________________
as far away from eachother as possible, or seperated by a screen
The darkroom - dry bench
Used for storing x ray film
Storing cassettes
The darkroom - wet bench
used for processing films
washing and drying films
Dry bench - requirements
Cassette storage - upright
Film storage - Upright
far away from wet bench - no splashes
The darkroom - film hangers
Chanenel type
Film slides down the channel
Disadvantadge - chemicals often retained in the channels
The darkroom - film hangers
Clip type
Films are clipped into the hangers.
disadvantadge - clips can be fiddly and can mark the film
Wet bench - requirements
Large enough to house tanks for developer, rinse and fixer
The darkroom - safe lights - colours
As per manufactuere
The darkroom - safe lights - direct
light from the safelight is direct at the work bench
The darkroom - safe lights - indirect
light from the safelight is direct at the ceiling/walls to reflect off
The darkroom - safe lights - ____m above work bench
The darkroom - Development
Active ingredient in developer
Phenidone-hydroquinone (alkaline)
The darkroom - Development
describe the reduction of silver bromide
The silver bromide is converted to black metalic silver
The darkroom - Development
What colour does the area that has been reduced go
The darkroom - Development
Why is it important to leave the film in the developer for the correct time?
To allow all exposed areas to be developed.
If left in the developer for too long, unexposed area’s will be reduced and the image on the film will be unuseable.
The darkroom - Development
What should you do when topping up the developer
Not fill up with water - unknown ratio
not fill up with developer - unknown ratio
Top up with special solution
The darkroom - Development
Should be changed every _______ ______
every 3 months
The darkroom - rinsing
The darkroom - rinsing
The film should be rinsed for around 20 seconds, to remove any of the developer chemicals.
Also reduces contamination of the fixer chemicals
The darkroom - fixer
Acid or alkaline
Acid - to neautralise the fixer
The darkroom - fixer
The removal of unexposed silver bromide to leave a metalic silver image that can be seen in normal lights
The darkroom - fixer
define: tanning
hardening the films emuslion layer
The darkroom - fixer
Active ingredients
Sodium/Ammonium thiosulphate
The darkroom - fixer
Once the film is in the fixer, should wait for _____________ before turning the light on
At least 30 seconds
The darkroom - washing
How long should be the film be washed for after the fixing process
30 minuetes
The darkroom - PPE
The darkroom - automatic processors
much quicker
hands off - feed the film in, developed image comes out
no need to rinse - rollers squeeze the chemicals off film
The darkroom - automatic processors
requires maintaince
requires at least 10 films to be processed daily (these can be unexposed)