Radiographic positioning Flashcards
When performing as part of an upper GI exam, the RAO position places barium in what portion of the stomach?
Radiography of the ribs below the diaphragm are done on what phase of respiration?
expiration to elevate the diaphragm
What is the film criteria for an x-ray of the lateral forearm?
radial and ulnar styloid processes are superimposed over one another
the elbow joint is flexed 90 degrees
the distal humerus is in the same plane as the bones of the forearm
An image produced with the central ray angled along the longitudinal or long axis of a part is produced in a what position?
From the anatomical position, pronating the hand will result in the palm facing
Overlapping of the raidus and ulna on a AP projection of the forearm is evidence of?
the hand being placed in pronation
What view is done to demonstrate the hamular process (hook) of the hamate bone?
view for carpal tunnel
What position is best for demonstrating the capitulum, radial head, and radial tubercle?
lateral oblique elbow
What is the most anterior structure of the scapula?
coracoid process
With the patient in the PA position, central ray anuglation of what will be required to free the majority of the clavicle from superimpostion of the ribs and scapula?
25-30 degrees caudad
Which position will demonstrate the broad aspect of the right ilium?
right posterior oblique
The adult foot has how many bones?
26 bones
An external oblique of the foot is performed with the plantar surface of the foot forming what angle to the surface of the film?
30 degree
An axial plantodorsal projection for the calcaneous is performed with the central ray angled how many degree to the surface of the film?
40 degree
What posistion is required to demonstrate the maxiumum interosseouos space between the tibia and fibula?
medial oblique
What is the correct centering point for an AP projection of the kneee when a 5-7 degree cephalic central ray angulation is employed?
one half inch distal to the patellar apex
The central ray is directed to a point 2 “ distal to the what when performing an AP projection of the scapula?
coracoid process
The position of the asthenic gallbladder as compared to the hyperstenic gallbladder is in what position?
infereior and medial
The uppermost portion of the iliac crest is apprpoximately at the same level as the…
fourth lumbar vertebra
Which projection will best demonstrate the carpal scaphoid?
radial flexion/deviation
Which projection requires the humeral epicondyles be superimposed?
lateral elbow, and lateral humerus
Which xray of the foot best demonstrates the navicular, first and second cuneforms and their articulations with the first and second metatarsals?
lateral oblique
In which position or projection will the subtalar joint be visualized?
plantodorsal projection of the os calsis
The proximal tibiofibular articulation is best demonstrated in which position?
medial oblique
T/F: In the medial oblique projection of the ankle, the talofibular joint is visualized, the talotibial joint is visualized, and plantar surface should be vertical
What does a Y projection of the shoulder demonstrate?
an oblique projection of the shoulder, and an anterior or posterior dislocation
Which position requires that the OML be 37 degrees with the plane of the image recorder?
parietoacanthial/ Waters
All of the following statements are true regarding the PA projection of the skull are true except: the OML is perpendicular to the film, the petrous pyramids fill the lower third of the orbits, msp is perpendicular to the film, CR exits at the nasion
pyramids fill the lower third, not true.
What is demonstrated in a 25 degree RPO position and the CR entering 1 inch medial to the elevated ASIS?
left SI joint
What is demonstrated in the lateral projection of the cervical spine?
intervertebral joints and apophyseal joints
The intervertebral foramina of the thoracic spine are demonstrated with what posistion?
lateral projection
The thoracic apophyseal joints are demonstrated in what position?
oblique posistion with the coronal plane 70 degrees to the image receptor, or MSP 20 degrees to the image receptor. The apophyseal joints closest to the IR are demonstrated PA, RAO/LAO, and those away from the IR in the AP, LPO, RPO oblique
To better demonstrate the manidbular rami in the PA position, which way is the CR angled?
cephalad 20-30 degrees
Aspirated foreign bodies in older children and adults are most likely to lodge where?
right main bronchus
Why should a chest radiograph be performed using a 72 inch SID?
minimize magnification of the heart, and better lung detail
Blunting of the costophrenic angles seen on a PA projection of the chest can be an indication of what?
pleural effusion
What condition is characterized by flattening of the hemidiaphragms?
Inspiration and expiration projections of the chest may be performed to demosntrate what?
pneumothorax, and diaphragm excursion
The right lung has how many lobes, and the left lung has how many lobes?
right has 3 and the left has 2
To demonstrate the pulmonary apices below the level of the clavicles, in the AP projection of the chest, the CR should be how?
15-20 degrees cephalad
In what order should the following radiographs be performed? BE, IVP, UGI
Which projection would demonstrate the size and shape of the liver and kidneys?
During an IVP, the prone position is generally recommended to demonstrate what?
filling of obstructed ureters, and renal pelvis
Which test requires catheterization of the ureters?
retrograde urogram
During routinge IVP, the oblique position demonstrates the what?
the side up away from parallel to the film, 30 degree oblique postion
During an IVP, to better demonstrate contrast filled distal ureters what is helpful?
use a 15 degree AP trendelenburg postion
Indicate the correct sequence of oxygenated blodd as it returns from the lungs to the heart
pulmonary veins, left atrium, left ventricle, aortic valve
In myelography the contrast medium is generally injected into the
subarachnoid space between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae
What are the four major arteries supplying the brain are?
common carotid arteries, and vertebral arteries
The apex of the heart is formed by the what?
Left ventricle
The junction of the transverse colon and descending colon fomr what flexure?
splenic flexure
the AP axial projection (Townes method) best demonstrates what bone?
occipital bone
cervical spine positions performed to demonstrate the foramina closest to the IR are what positions?
During a gastrointestinal examination, the AP recumbent projection of a stomach of average shape will usually demonstrate what?
barium filled fundus, and double contrast of distal stomach portions
With the OML perpendicular to the IR and the CR directed 25 degrees cephalad, what is best demonstrated?
the dorsum sella is seen within the foramen magnum, the petrous pyramids fill the orbits
To better demonstrate the ribs below the diaphragm what should be done to breathing and positioning the patient?
suspend respiration at the end of full exhalation
perform the exam in the recumbent position
a “blowout” fracture usually occurs in which aspect of the orbital wall?
Double contrast examinations of the stomach or large bowel are performed for better visualization of what?
Lateral deviation of the nasal septum may be best demonstrated in waht projection?
parietoacanthia (Waters method)
Which position would best demonstrate the proimal tibiofiular articulation?
90 degrees mediolateral
subacromial or subcoracoid dislocation will best be demonstrated in what projection?
PA oblique scapular Y
What is the most proximal structure on the adult ulna?
styloid process
The sternoclavicular joints are best demonstrated with the patient PA and in what position?
a slight oblique, affected side adjacent to the IR
What is the criteria required for accurate visualizaion of the greater tubercle in profile?
epicondyles parallel to the IR, arm in external rotation, humerus in AP position
What positions are likely to be employed for a single-contrast, double contrast exam of the large bowel?
lateral rectum, AP axial rectosigmoid, RAO, and LAO abdomen
the manubrial notch is located at the same level as the what?
first thoracic vertebra
What is the criteria for the later projection of the foot?
plantar surface should be perpendicular to the IR
metarsals should be superimposed, talofibular joint should be visualized
What projection of the calcaneus is obtained with the leg extended, plantar surface vertical and perpendicular to the IR, and central ray directed 40 degrees caudad?
axial plantodorsal projection
The uppermost portion of the iliac crest is approximately at the same level as the …
During chest radioraphy, the act of inspriation does what?
raises the ribs, and depresses the abdominal viscera
The stomach of an asthenic paties is most likely to be located
low vertical, toward the midline
A patient is usally required to drink barium in order to demonstratrate what structures?
pylorus and duodenum
With the patiinet positioned as for a parietoacanthial projection (Waters method) and the CR directed throught he patients open mouth, which of the sinus groups would be demonstrated through the open mouth?
An accurately positioned oblique projection of the first through fourth lumbar vertebrae will demonstrate the classic “scotty dog” what structure does the scottty dogs “ear” represent?
superior articular process
the sigmoid colon is located in which quadrant?
T or F: The AP projection of the scapula requires that the patients arm be abducted at right angles to the body, patients elbow be flexed with hand supinated
What position will best demonstrate the patellofemoral articulation?
tangential patella
Antiversion of the femoral neck is overcome by what rotation of the toes in the AP projection?
15 degree internal rotation of the toes
Which position is best for demonstrating the right intervertebral foramen of the cervical spine?
When the patient is placed in a posterior oblique position, the lumbar apophyseal joints ___________ the film are demonstrated
closest to
What position below is preferred for demonstrating a fracture along the axillary border of the right 7th rib?
right posterior oblique taken on full inspriration
the trachea lies ___________to the esophagus
What projection of the chest is best for demonstrating the retrocardiac space?
right anterior oblique
What position is best for demonstrating the presence of free air in the right hemithorax?
left lateral decubitus chest
Bilateral depressed fractures of the zygomatic arches will be demonstrated best using what position?
SMV position
What is the correct name for the radiographic examination done to demonstrate the biliary tract via direct needle injection of contrast media into a biliary duct?
percuataneous transhepatic cholangiogram
What position is successful in placing the negative contrast agent used during a double contrast upper gastrointestinal tract exam in the fundus of the stomach?
What is the name given to the longest portion of the small bowel?
To aid in decreasing the amount of superimpostion of the right ureter over the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebra, which position is recommended?
What positon is done to demonstrate a provile view of the left kidney?
30 degree RPO
What is the correct degree of tube anulation with the patient adjusted with the IOML perpendicular to the table for an AP axial Towne position of the cranium?
37 degrees caudad
An axiolateral of the mandible done to demonstrate the rami, requires the patients head to be adjusted_______ and the CR angled 25 degrees cephalad?
in true lateral
Positions requiring that the base of the cranium be placed parallel to the surface of the film will require the cranium to be adjusted to place what parallel to the film
What position will be best for demonstrating a fracture with medial displacement of the right mandibular condyle?
AP axial postion
What position will be successful in demonstrating the presence of “spondylolisthesis” in a patient?
lateral lumbar spine
What view of the elbow will show the coronoid process free from superimposition?
medially oblique
What is kyphosis of the spine?
humpback curvature
What is lordosis of the spine?
bent backwards; sway back