Radiographic Examinations: Diagnosing Disease and Injury Flashcards
It is one of the primary methods of diagnosing disease.
Requires removing clothing and jewelry that may be covering the area of the body through which the x-rays must pass.
External Preparation
Some examinations include cleansing enemas, which are performed so that structures in the abdomen are not obscured by gas and fecal material.
• Internal Preparation
Are solutions or gases introduced into the body to provide contrast on a radiograph between an organ and its surrounding tissue.
Contrast Media
are examinations performed by the radiographer on particular regions of the body with the use of the x-ray tube.
Radiographic Studies
Radiographic studies of the region above the neck make up the skull and headwork category.
Skull and Headwork
This cavity includes the bones and tissues of the chest region and is the most commonly radiographed region of the body. A. thoracic cavity B. Extremities C. Spine D. Urinary Studies
Thoracic Cavity
This cavity is generally divided into the upper and lower regions and includes the shoulder and pelvic regions.
A. Myelogram
B. Lithotripsy
C. Extremities
D. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
This category includes studies of the cervical spine, thoracic (dorsal) spine, lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints, sacrum, and coccyx. A. Abdomen B. Spine C. Mammography D. Arteriogram
This category requires the use of fluoroscopy. A. Esophagram B. Upper Gastrointestinal Series C. Abdomen D. Barium Enema
It requires a radiologist to perform and monitor the examination in most circumstances.
Fluoroscopic studies
A study of the esophagus requires the patient to swallow a barium-sulfate preparation. A. Esophagram B. Upper Gastrointestinal Series C. Abdomen D. Barium Enema
Esophagram/ Esophagography/ Barium Swallow
Studies of the stomach often called an upper \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ series, are performed with the use of barium sulfate. A. Esophagram B. Upper Gastrointestinal Series C. Abdomen D. Barium Enema
Upper Gastrointestinal Series
The radiographic examinations of the colon or the large intestine. A. Esophagram B. Upper Gastrointestinal Series C. Abdomen D. Barium Enema
Barium Enema
excretory urography/ intravenous pyelography (IVP). A. Arteriogram B. Arthorgram C. Urinary Studies D. Mammogram
Urinary Studies
It is performed to diagnose anomalies in the biliary system or pancreas.
A. Myelogram
B. Lithotripsy
C. Extremities
D. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
A study that visualizes the arteries of a particular body region. A. Hysterosalpingogram B. Myelogram C. Mammogram D. Arteriogram
Arteriogram (Angiogram)
A diagnostic test that looks at joints. A. Arthrogram B. Hysterosalpingogram C. Spine D. Upper Gastrointestinal Series
An examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes. A. Hysterosalpingogram B. Myelogram C. Mammogram D. Arteriogram
the radiographic examination that uses a contrast medium to detect pathology of the spinal cord, including the location of a spinal cord injury, cysts, and tumors. A. Thoracic Cavity B. Extremities C. Myelogram D. Lithotripsy
a treatment, typically using ultrasound shock waves, by which a kidney stone or other calculus is broken into small particles that can be passed out by the body. A. Thoracic Cavity B. Extremities C. Myelogram D. Lithotripsy
Lithotripsy (Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy – ESWL)
Is a radiographic study of the breast. A. Hysterosalpingogram B. Myelogram C. Mammogram D. Arteriogram