Radicalisation of the state Flashcards
How many steps were in the plan to radicalise the state
What was the first step in radicalising the state
Legal revolution- this would be Hitlers consolidation of power and ended with the creation of the Fuhrer
When did stage 1 take place
What was stage 2 of radicalisation
Creating a ‘new’ Germany- slowly take control of Germany whilst avoiding powerful groups, the economy was not ready for war yet and needed compliance with the allies
When was stage 2
What was stage 3 of radicalisation
Radicalisation of the state- completion of readying the army for war and beginning to purge the national of radical enemies
When was stage 3
How did the Nazis persuade the public into radicalisation
Volksgemeinschaft, lebensraum and social darwinism
What groups were not included with the idea of volksgemeinschaft
Jewish people from the east, communists and non aryans
How did the Nazis implement volksgemeinschaft
Fought against democracy, typically a preposition such as them or us
What is volksgemeinschaft
“People’s community” almost exclusive, to be a member of the Volk, you had to be a “true” German: loyalty, racially (including thinking) and to protect the Volksgemeinschaft: eliminate all un-German elements, including people
How were aryans worthy of volksgemeinschaft defined
Health, socially efficient (skilled and want to contribute) and politically reliable
When did lebensborn originate and where was it first mentioned in the Nazi regime
Late 19th century and Mein Kampf
What did the Nazis want returning during lebensraum
Rightfully territory in the east such as Poland and Ukraine along with farmland and raw materials
What is the definition of social darwinism
The theory that individuals, groups, and peoples are subject to the same Darwinian laws of natural selection as plants and animals
What is the definition of eugenics
The theory that a race or group of people could be genetically improved through selective breeding
How did the Nazis use the idea of social darwinism
They could imprison those that they deemed unfit to reproduce in ‘their’ country, needed to purify the strongest race by eliminating the ‘germs’
What were some races seen as inferior
Jewish, black people and Slavs
How were there no compromises in social darwinism
It did not matter if you converted to Christianity, was a ww1 veteran or were women and children