RAD 106 prelims Flashcards
Small, dense, positively charged center of the atom which contains most of the atoms mass
The components are lined up along one path. If the circuit is broken, all components turn off
Series circuit
Positively charged particles
Protons (1 amu)
Which produces a charge redistribution of electrons in a material
A magnet made from a current bearing coil of wire wrapped around an iron or steel core
Are composed of smaller subatomic particles such as the proton, neutron, and electron.
Used the cathode ray tube to discover electrons (plum pudding)
JJ Thomson
The electrons in the outermost energy level
Valence electrons
Electrons flow in different directions in a wire
Alternating current (AC)
The compass wire experiment
Hans Christian Orstead 1777-1851
He proposed light as an EM-wave
James Clerk Maxwell
Are often referred to as the building blocks of matter
Is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; WEAKEST of all forces
Gravitational force
Is a type of energy that consists of the movement of electrons between two points when there is a potential difference between them, making it possible to generate what is known as an electric current.
The number of protons in the nucleus is the?
Atomic number
John Dalton’s Atomic Theory 1804
All matter is made of atoms
Atoms of one element are all the same
Atoms cannot be broken down into smaller parts
Compounds form by combining atoms
The flow of electrons from one place to another
Is the force exerted by magnets when they attract or repel each other
The charge on an ion is called?
Electrostatic charge
Using a cathode ray tube, he discovered canal rays which are beams of positively charged particles; He is credited with the discovery of protons in an atom
Eugen Goldstein 1850-1930
He envisioned atoms as solid, hard spheres, like billiard (pool) balls, so he used wooden balls to model them
Dalton’s early atomic model
What influences Resistance?
Material of wire – aluminum and copper have low resistance
Thickness – the thicker the wire the lower the resistance
Length – shorter wire has lower resistance
Temperature – lower temperature has lower resistance
Negatively charge ions result from the gain of electrons
The measure of energy given to the charge flowing in a circuit
Particles that have no charge (neutral)
Neutrons (1 amu)
Greek word for uncuttable
Materials through which electric current cannot move
Which transfer electrons between two objects in contact
Is the mass of protons plus the mass of the neutrons
Atomic mass (recorded in the SI units: atomic mass units (amu))
Examples of Insulators
An area around the nucleus where electrons are likely to be found orbiting the nucleus in several energy levels
Electron cloud
With a charged body which results in the transfer of electrons
2 main ideas of Democritus
Atoms are the smallest possible particle of matter
There are different types of atoms for each material
Difference between VOLTS and AMPS
AMPS measure HOW MUCH water comes out of a hose
VOLTS measure HOW HARD the water comes out of the hose
The opposition to the flow of an electric current, producing heat
Resistance (ohms)
Two regions of an atom
Electron cloud
Smallest particle of an element that can exist alone
Positively charge ions result from the loss of electrons
Negatively charged particles
Electrons (mass is VERY small)
Subatomic particles of atomic nuclei
Gluons- zero charge
Quarks- carries protons
Greek philosopher that suggested world was made of two things - empty space and “atomos”
Democritus 460 BC
Examples of conductor
States that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through it, provided all physical conditions and temperatures remain constant
Ohm’s Law
Atoms of the same element with varying number of neutrons
Occurs when there is a loss of static electricity due to three possible things: friction, contact, induction
Static discharge
The greater the resistance
The less current gets through
Material through which electric current flows easily
Discovered the electron; He was the first scientist to show the atom was made of even smaller things
J.J. Thomson 1897
Is a path for the flow of electrons. We use wires
Theory of relativity
Albert Einstein (1897-1955)
Discovered the nucleus of a gold atom with his “gold foil” experiment
Ernest Rutherford 1913
The build up of an electric charge on the surface of an object; is a potential energy, does not move, it is stored
Static electricity
There are several branching paths to the components
Parallel circuit
Where electrons flow in the same direction in a wire
Direct current (DC)
Father of Physics
Isaac Newton 1642-1727
Is responsible for decay of material
Weak nuclear force or weak interaction
Is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom, a molecule, or an ion.
Electron binding energy or Ionization potential