RACISM Flashcards
préjugés raciaux
racial bias
le commerce des esclaves
the slave trade
the fourteenth amendment
provides a broad definition of citizenship including slaves and their descendants who until then had been denied constitutional rights
narrow minded
une agression à caractère raciste
a racially motivated attack
des insultes à caractères racistes
racial abuse
alimenter/nourrir les tensions
to fuel tensions
profaner une tombe
to desecrate a grave
le négationnisme
la discrimination raciale
the color bar, the color line
être victime d’une discrimination
to be discriminated against
proscrire, déclarer hors la loi
to ban, to outlaw
Ferguson riots
in 2014 after the fatal shooting of Michael brown by a white officer in Ferguson Missouri
created in 2013
compaigns against police brutality, racial profiling, systematic racism
founded in 1909
civil rights organization
its mission is to ensure political/educational/social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination