Race And Ethnicity Flashcards
- Race
Def: Social constructed differences between people
- Race
Ex: Skin color, space between eyes, distance between eyebrows and hairline.
- Ethnicity
Def: Subcultures that contain shared culture
- Ethnicity
Ex: Polish, German, Irish, Kenyan
- Social construction of race
Def: Made up definition of race that changes to meet particular social and historical needs.
- Social construction of race
Ex: Being able to identify as different races to gain the benefits of that race in a specific area.
- Stereotypes
Def: The automatic assumptions based upon different people
- Stereotypes
Ex: All white girls wear Uggs and drink Starbucks.
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
Def: If something is repeated enough, we will believe it and make it come true.
- Self-fufilling prophecy
Ex: Jobson telling me I’m a horrible person and that I’m hurting people, then me believing it and cutting off everyone.
- Prejudice
Def: Unequal thoughts about different races and ethnic groups. Not based upon facts.
- Prejudice
Ex: Jobs assuming that applicants will be bad workers based upon where they are from.
- Discrimination
Def: Unequal treatment of a racial or ethnic group.
- Discrimination
Ex: Jobs denying applicants based upon where they’re from.
- Frustration-aggression theory
Def: Frustration often leads to aggressive behavior
- Frustration-aggression theory
Ex: A student who lashes out at his peers during school due to feeling lost at home during his parent’s divorce.
- Scapegoating
Def: Choosing one group (usually mostly innocent) to blame for the problems of the majority.
- Scapegoating
Ex: Teachers blaming all students not studying for everyone failing the test instead of acknowledging that they put material not covered in readings/class on the test.
- Ideological racism
Def: The belief that one group is biologically superior/inferior to another
- Ideological racism
Ex: Slavery in the united states or the 3/4ths law.
- Symbolic racism
Def: People who do not realize they are racist and make racist comments
- Symbolic racism
Ex: Stating that they are color-blind and or saying “I’m not racist but…”
- Institutionalized racism
Def: Racism that is built into society
- Institutional racism
Ex: Racism in the workplace or the legal system.
- Side-effect discrimination
Def: When an organization indirectly causes discrimination in another organization
- Side-effect discrimination
Ex: Using the internet to advertise hiring when internet access varies significantly by racial group.
- Past-in-present discrimination
Def: Currently discontinued practices from the past that continue to effect the present.
- Past-in-present discrimination
Ex: White schools. Currently outlawed but still seen in high class areas.
- Genocide
Def: The purposeful annihilation of a specific group
- Genocide
Ex: The holocaust
- Subjugation
Def: Oppression; One group takes over another and controls them.
- Subjugation
Ex: Slavery
- Population transfer
Def: The forced moving of a population to a different location
- Population transfer
Ex: Indigenous settlements
- Assimilation
Def: The adoption of characteristics of a major culture by a minor culture.
- Assimilation
Ex: When immigrants adjust their names to better fit with American culture.
- Pluralism
Def: The United States is a salad bowl. There are many cultures and each just adds to the “flavor”
- Pluralism
Ex: LN Show choir! We had the spice!
- Functionalist Theory and Race
Def: Social balance occurs when all races and ethnicities get along, racism strengthens the bonds within the minority.
- Functionalist Theory and Race
Ex: BLM movement bringing together people from all over the country
- Conflict theory and race
Def: Multiple races are competing to be the best race. Whites are always winning
- Conflict theory and race
Ex: Talented black medical professionals not being recognized for their accomplishments and discoveries.
- Micro, meso and macro level coping strategies and efforts to bring change
Def: Three levels of scale and the coping systems
- Micro, meso and macro level coping strategies and efforts to bring change
Ex: Micro: Ensuring that your comments are not harmful to racial or ethnic groups
Mezzo: Calling out others being hurtful
Macro: Going to rallies to help support the minorities.
- Group Contact
Def: Contact between different social and ethnic groups can help reduce prejudice and better social health
- Group Contact
Ex: Football fans and hockey fans getting to better know each other’s sport
- Affirmative Action
Def: Policies that aim to increase representation of minorities
- Affirmative Action
Ex: Used to improve education, employment and healthcare