Global Inequality Flashcards
- Stratification
Def: Ranking of people in a hierarchy (global scale)
Ex: Who has the most power and why?
- Demography
Def: The study of human populations
Ex: Birth, death, moving, illness
- Dependency Ratio
Def: The ratio of the population that is working to the ones who life off of government money.
Ex: Who earns vs who takes
- Population Pyramid
Def: Age and sex structure of a population
Ex: See how population changes over time and how gender is effected
- Malthus’ Theory
Def: There are three factors that control human population and limit overpopulation: Famine, War, Disease
Ex: A lack of food will lead to war and poor health conditions. Then the cycle will start again when the population reduces
- Neo-Malthusians
Def: Argue that it is the environment not the food supply that is the key to the health of the population.
Ex: We will outgrow the land we maintain and start wars over territory.
- Demographic Transition Theory
Def: 5 stages of transition: High stationary, Early expanding, Late expanding, Low Stationary, Declining
Ex: Clean water decreases death rate, birthrate stays up to keep likelihood of life… As people trust they shift and then disaster strikes.
- Wealth Flow Theory
Def: In societies where there are large families, the offspring provide wealth.
Ex: Provide for the older generations by having more people contributing.
- Conflict Theory Explanations
Def: Conflict theory focuses on the limited resources and the fights that come to light due to them.
Ex: How organizations control resources to force inequality and dominance.
- Factors Affecting Fertility
Def: The things that change the rate of children born
Ex: Age, employment, income, marriage…
Push-Pull Theory of Migration
Def: The reasons that the people chose to move/leave their homes
Ex: Violence, social opportunities, war
- International vs Internal Migration
Def: Internal migration is when people move around within a country and international is when people move from country to country
Ex: Moving to Ohio from Indiana vs moving from Indiana to France.
- Urbanization
Def: The shift to urban areas from rural ones.
Ex: Many people living in Crawfordsville choose to move to Lafyette, therefore increasing the population in the more urban city.
- Megacities
Def: Very big cities that usually consists of more than 10 million people
Ex: Tokyo is a megacity at approximately 37 million people.
- What Happened to Social Security?
Def: Social security is declining due to lack of support
Ex: The decline in birthrate after a baby boom creates a gap in social security.
- Gentrification
Def: When a group (usually white and affluent) goes to a run down area and puts resources in the area.
Ex: Uindy in the Southport area.
- Gemeinschaft
Def: Small and tradition communities in which families and relationships are important
Ex: Being able to name your neighbors and having a bond with them.
- Gesellschaft
Def: Large and impersonal areas where formal relationships and money takes priority
Ex: In a large high school where you only know the names of 1/4 of the students in your graduating class.
- Mechanical Solidarity
Def: Everyone is doing the same thing at the same time. Homogenous community
Ex: The amish
- Organic Solidarity
Def: There are specialized jobs for each person. Can’t function without each other.
Ex: Hunter-gather community
- Urban Problems
Def: 4 major problems: Rural migrants and overcrowding, Infrastructure and environment, Poverty, and Crime and delinquency.
Ex: More people than expected are causing issues with design of city, poverty, and crime
- Demographic and Environmental Policy
Def: Changes in demographics causes a change in environment
Ex: Household patterns change, diversity increases, age structure changes…