Gender and Sexual Orientation Flashcards
Def: Biological, based upon three factors (genetalia, hormones, chromosomes) and generally follows the ranges of male to intersex to female.
Ex: Jessica was born with a female-like figure and has female chromosomes but they also have testes so they identify their sex as intersex.
Def: The social def of sex. Used to fulfill a social or historical need (war, take care of household…) Masculine, feminine, androgynous (man, woman, nonbinary, gender-fluid) it is a spectrum
Ex: My little sibling is gender-fluid and goes by a full range of pronouns)
Sexual Orientation
Def: Who someone is sexually and romantically attracted to.
Ex: I am bisexual. I am romantically and sexually attracted to two or more genders.
Def: The specifics of what someone is into.
Ex: Asexuality or kinks
Gender Roles
Def: Societies view of how men and women should behave
Ex: Women belong in the kitchen and men should work (ugh)
Micro, meso and macro level
Def: Gender is first taught on a micro level (by parents) and then continually pushed on a meso and macro level. Feminine people have power on a micro level but masculine people have power on the meso and macro levels.
Ex: Mom having power over the children in a country that’s never had a female president.
Stages in gender socialization - Infancy
Def: Gender is defined by parent’s words and actions.
Ex: Calling daughters pretty and sons handsome or dolls for daughters and dinosaurs for boys (DINOS ARE FOR ALL AND SO ARE DOLLS)
Stages in gender socialization - Childhood
Def: Peers and social events play more into defining gender for children
Ex: Boys tend to be on competitive sports teams while girls tend to play more cooperative games (not as evident today as it used to be)
Stages in gender socialization - Beyond
Def: Religion and media have a strong impact on gender
Ex: Social media and religious members may push wifely duties on women and shame them for a lack of these qualities.
Micro-level agents of socialization
Def: Family, peer groups, and neighborhood
Ex: Parents setting up play-dates only with children of the same gender as their child.
Meso-level agents of socialization
Def: Education, politics, religion, social class
Ex: School teachers purposefully pairing students off in same-sex groups.
Macro-level agents of socialization
Def: Media and global outreach
Ex: Social media pushes for women to stay home and take care of the children instead of pursuing a career.
Gender in the workplace
Def: Some businesses value gender diversity and will hire equal numbers of each gender while others still see feminine genders as inferior in the workplace.
Ex: Construction crews will still regularly deny female workers due to prejudice.
Side effect discrimination
Def: Actions by one group that negatively impact a specific gender due to its connections to another group’s actions.
Ex: Offering a job to a man who needs to support his wife and children but actively denying a job to a single mother.
Past-in-present discrimination
Def: Present as neutral to gender but have old policies that keep women as inferiors.
Ex: Having men’s bathrooms on every floor but only having female bathrooms on every-other floor.
Glass Ceiling
Def: The limit that keeps specific groups of people (usually women) from gaining power in a company
Ex: Jamie was more qualified to be the boss than Jonathan but he got the promotion over her.
Sticky Floor
Def: The majority of women around the world will face this; low-paying, low-prestige jobs.
Ex: Being a waitress, elementary school teacher, nursing
Glass Escalator
Def: Men in female dominated fields tend to get promoted very quickly
Ex: Female and male nurse interns. Male becomes a nurse first.
Second Shift
Def: Women have to work an extra shift after they come home from work that consists of taking care of the house and children
Ex: A mom works a 12 hour shift at the office and then comes home and cooks dinner, plays with the kids and gets them ready for bed while also trying to clean up the house.
Symbolic interactionism and doing gender
Def: We “do gender” all of the time. We express traits that specifically demonstrate masculinity and femininity therefore we are more performing gender than being gender.
Ex: Painting your nails pink is a sign of doing the female gender.
Functionalist theory and gender
Def: Gender roles were created to keep a balance before the pre-industrial era. Women were often limited by pregnancy and therefore it was easier for them to maintain the household instead of working.
Ex: Moms who work a full time job and then come home to take care of the children in order to maintain the functionality of the household.
Conflict theory and gender
Def: Women and men are struggling over the power over a woman’s life.
Ex: The fight for reproductive rights.
Feminist theory and gender
Def: A form of conflict theory that tries to explain the inequalities in gender issues.
Ex: Suffragettes trying to get the right to vote is a fight for feminism.
Def: The idea that men and women should have equal opportunities in social, political, and economic areas
Ex: Feminist fight for closing the pay gap between women and men, equaling out the economic difference.
The intersection of race, class, and gender
Def: Race, class and gender have all been used to categorize people and in turn been used to discriminate against said groups.
Ex: Blacks, females, and lower class are all considered inferior to rich, white men.
Women as a minority group
Def: Identified as a minority group due to common features and by a lack of social power.
Ex: Suffragettes fighting for the right to vote relates to their identification as a minority.
Def: The assumption that heterosexual is the “correct” orientation and the advantages that come with being heterosexual.
Ex: Gay marriage being illegal but there never being a question about heterosexual marriage.
Def: Fear and hatred of the LGBTQ+ community
Ex: Richard screamed slurs at the gay couple solidifying him as a homophobic jerk.
Costs and consequences of gender stratification
Def: The social rankings in which men are typically a higher status than men that brings for the wage-gap and lack of ability to buy housing on their own.
Ex: Jane gets paid $2 to Johns $5.
Sexual Attitudes in the United States
Def: The conservative and liberal views of sexuality in the United States
Ex: Men tend to have a more positive view of casual sex than women.
Virginity Pledges
Def: An agreement made by CHILDREN and TEENS to wait to have sex until marriage
Ex: Jenny signed a virginity pledge and then ended up getting an STI from her high school boyfriend.
Queer theory
Def: The need to study the everyday life of the LGBTQ+ community and not just their sex lives.
Ex: Jake and Tom adopted their daughter in 2022 but they only get asked who’s the woman in the bedroom.