RA18 Endocrine Flashcards
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Hormome travels through the blood circulation to act on distant target cells
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Hormone is secreted into the interstital fluid to act locally on nearby target cells
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Hormone is secreted into interstitial fluid to act on the cell that produced it
How are hormones regulated? (3 ways)
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Rate of hormone production (+ve/-ve feedback)
- Rate of hormone delivery (perfusion, mass action law)
- Rate of hormone excretion/degredation (half-life)
Peptide hormones
- Consists of/derived from?
- Synthesis
- Storage
- Solubility in plasma
- Carrier
- Receptors
- Response time
- Half life (effect time)
- Examples
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Consists of 3 or more amino acids
- Pre-prohormone in RER -> cleave signal sequence -> prohormone in Golgi aparratus -> packaged and trimmed -> active hormone in secretory vesicle
- Stored in secretory vesicles
- Soluble
- Not bound to carrier
- Bind cell surface receptors -> activate second messenger cascade
- Fast acting
- Short half life
- E.g. glucagon, insulin
Steroid hormones
- Consists of/derived from?
- Synthesis
- Storage
- Solubility in plasma
- Carrier
- Receptors
- Response time
- Half life (effect time)
- Examples
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Derived from cholesterol
- Cholesterol -> pregnenolone (rate limiting step)
- Synthesised on demand (by adrenal cortex, gonads, placenta), NOT stored
- Insoluble
- Bound to carrier
- Bind intracellular receptors -> activate gene transcription
- Slow acting
- Long half life
- E.g. estrogen, cortisol
Amino acid derivatives: thryoid hormones
- Consists of/derived from?
- Solubility in plasma
- Carrier
- Receptors
- Response time
- Half life (effect time)
- Examples
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Derived from amino acids (tyrosine)
- Insoluble
- Bound to carrier
- Bind intracellular receptors -> activate gene expression
- Slow acting
- Long half life
- E.g. T3, T4
Amino acid derivatives: catecholamines
- Consists of/derived from?
- Solubility in plasma
- Carrier
- Receptors
- Response time
- Half life (effect time)
- Examples
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Derived from amino acids (tyrosine)
- Soluble
- Not bound to carrier
- Bind cell surface receptors -> activate second messenger pathway (signal cascade)
- Fast acting
- Short half life
- E.g. epinephrine, norepinephrine
Where are carrier proteins synthesised?
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Function of carrier proteins
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Extend half life of hormones in circulation (protect hormones from degredation/excretion)
- Sequester hormones from target cell receptor (i.e. hormones bound to carrier cannot bind to receptor; only free hormones are active)
Total hormone concentration in the blood
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Bound (to carrier) + free
Plasma insoluble hormones bind to (…) receptors. Plasma soluble hormones bind to (…) receptors.
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Plasma insoluble hormones bind to intracellular receptors. Plasma soluble hormones bind to cell surface receptors.
Adaptation/desensitisation of receptors
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Chronically elevated level of hormone -> diminished cell response
Rebound of receptors
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
Prolonged absence of hormone -> increased receptor numbers -> hyperactive with return of hormone
Inactivation of hormonal response (3 ways)
Phys 35 Endocrine System General Concepts
- Removal of hormone from circulation
- Down regulation of hormone (sequestration i.e. endocytosis of receptor, uncoupling of receptor from donwstream signalling)
- Removal of stimulus (negative feedback)