Swan neck deformity definition
Deformity characterised by
- PIPJ hyperextension
- DIPJ flexion
Pathoanatomy of swan neck deformity in RA
Primary = pathology at PIPJ (more common)
- PIPJ synovitis with attenuation of volar plate and FDS
- lateral bands volar to axis of rotation of DIPJ = flexion
Secondary = pathology at wrist, MCPJ or DIPJ
- wrist = wrist flexion contracture
- MCPJ = volar subluxation and intrinsic contracture
- DIPJ = mallet finger (PIPJ hyperextension due to overactivity of central slip)
Classification of swan neck deformity in RA
Nalebuff/ Zancolli classification = clinical and radiographic classification with 4 stages based on correctability and arthritis
Stage I = flexible deformity in MP flexion and extension
Stage II = deformity due to intrinsic tightness, positive Bunnell’s test
Stage III = fixed deformity in MP flexion and extension\
Stage IV = PIPJ arthritis
Main special test for swan neck deformity in RA
Bunnell’s test = test for intrinsic tightness
- stabilise MPJ in extension
- assess passive flexion at PIPJ
- normally PIPJ should flex to 90deg
3 factors to consider in management of swan neck deformity in RA
- Acuity
- Correctability
- Arthritis