R44 Raven II POH Study Flashcards
Cautions and Notes
Caution: Equipment damage, Injury, or death may occur if procedure or instruction is not followed.
MR blade diameter
33 feet
Blade Chord
10.0” inboard
10.6” outboard
Blade twist
-6 degrees
Tip speed at 102% RPM
705 FPS
TR Diameter
4’ 10”
TR Blade Chord
5.1” (constant)
TR precone angle
1 degree
TR tip speed at 102% RPM
614 FPS
Drive System Ratios
Engine to upper sheave: 0.778:1 speed reducing ratio.
MR gearbox: 11:57 speed reducing ratio.
TR gearbox: 31:27 speed increasing ratio.
Powerplant model and characteristics
Lycoming IO-540-AE1A5
Six cylinder, Horizontally opposed, Direct drive, Air cooled, Fuel injected, Normally aspirated.
Direct drive squirrel cage blower for cooling.
Engine displacement
541.5 cubic inches
MCP: 205 BHP at 102%
5 min TOP: 245 BHP at 102%
Vne: Never Exceed Speeds
2200 lbs TOGW and below: 130 KIAS.
Over 2200 lbs TOGW: 120 KIAS.
Autorotation: 100 KIAS.
Any doors off: 100 KIAS.
Power above MCP: 100 KIAS.
Additional reductions with altitude and temperature apply on chart.
Rotor Speed Limits
Power on: 101%-102%
Power off: 90%-108%
Max Continuous and transient engine speeds
Max continuous: 102%
Max transient: 105%
CHT Max Temperature
500 deg F
Oil Max Temperature
245 deg F
Oil pressure
Min during idle: 25 psi.
Min during flight: 55 psi.
Max during flight: 95 psi.
Max during start and warmup: 115 psi.
Oil quantity
Minimum 7 qt for takeoff
Weight Limits
Max gross: 2500 lbs.
Min gross: 1600 lbs.
Max per seat: 300 lbs.
Baggage: 50 lbs.
Solo pilot weight with doors on
150 lbs to ensure CG within limits
Flight and Maneuver Limitations
- Aerobatic flight prohibited.
- Low G pushovers prohibited.
- No flight with governor selected off except for EP or EP training.
- Flight in known icing conditions prohibited.
- Max operating DA 14000’.
- Max operating altitude 9000’ AGL to allow for 5 min descent in case of fire.
- Governor, OAT, Alternator, Low RRPM warning system, Hydraulics must be operable for dispatch.
- Min crew one pilot in front right seat.
- Forward left seat belt must be buckled.
- Operations up to 100 KIAS with doors removed. Secure loose items.
- Headset must be worn by each pilot.
Night flight requirements in POH
Anticollision, nav, instrument, and landing lights operable.
Maintain visual reference to surface with ground lighting or adequate celestial illumination.
Approved Fuel Grades
100 (green)
100LL (blue)
100VLL (blue)
(more fuel grades in POH)
Fuel Capacity
Main: 29.5 gal useable, 30.5 gal total.
Aux: 17 gal useable, 17.2 gal total.
ASI Markings
Green arc: 0-110 KIAS
Red cross hatch: 100 KIAS
Red line: 130 KIAS
“do not exceed 110 KIAS except in smooth air”
Oil temp gauge markings
Green arc: 75-245 deg F
Red line: 245 deg F
CHT Markings
Green arc: 200-500 deg F
Red line: 500 deg F
MAP add for max TOP
Add 2.8 in Hg for 5 min TOP
Vne chart modifications
Over 2200 lbs gross weight: subtract 10 KIAS.
For autorotation: subtract 30 KIAS.
Land Immediately
Land on the nearest clear area where a safe normal landing can be performed. Be prepared to enter autorotation if necessary.
Land as soon as practical
Landing site is at pilot’s discretion based on the nature of the problem and available landing areas. Flight beyond the nearest airport is not recommended.
Power Failure Above 500’ AGL
- Lower collective to maintain rotor RPM.
- Establish a glide at ~70 KIAS.
- Maintain rotor RPM between 97%and 108%.
- Select landing spot and maneuver into the wind.
- A restart may be attempted at pilot’s discretion.
- If no restart, turn off fuel valve and unnecessary switches.
- 40’ AGL begin cyclic flare.
- 8’ AGL level aircraft with cyclic and cushion by raising collective.
Power Failure between 8’ AGL and 500’ AGL
- Lower collective to maintain rotor RPM.
- Adjust collective to maintain 97%-108% rotor RPM.
- Maintain airspeed until ground is approached.
- Begin cyclic flare.
- 8’ AGL level with cyclic and cushion landing by raising collective.
Power Failure Below 8’ AGL
- Apply right pedal as necessary.
- Allow aircraft to settle.
- Raise collective before touchdown to cushion landing.
Max Glide Configuration
90 KIAS and 90% RRPM
Up to 4.7:1 glide ratio
(Increase rotor RPM to min 97% below 500’)
Min Rate of Descent Configuration
55 KIAS and 90% RRPM
4:1 glide ratio
(Increase rotor RPM to min 97% below 500’)
Air Restart Procedure
Not recommended below 2000’ AGL or if engine malfunction is suspected
- Mixture: Off
- Throttle: Closed
- Starter: Engage
- Slowly push mixture in while cranking.
Emergency Water Landing - Power Off
- Same procedure for power failure over land.
- Unlatch doors if time permits.
- Apply lateral cyclic after water contact.
- Release seatbelt and exit helicopter after rotors stop
Emergency Water Landing - Power On
- Descend to hover above water.
- Unlatch doors.
- Passengers exit aircraft.
- Fly safe distance from passengers.
- BATT and ALT off.
- Perform hover auto into water.
- Apply lateral cyclic after water contact.
- Release seatbelt and clear aircraft
Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust in Forward Flight
- Immediately enter autorotation
- Maintain 70+ KIAS.
- Controlled flight may be possible at low power settings if necessary to get to suitable landing site.
- Roll throttle into overtravel before the flare.
Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust in a Hover
- Immediately roll throttle into overtravel spring and allow aircraft to settle.
- Raise collective just before touchdown to cushion the landing.
Engine Fire During Start on Ground
- Continue cranking to suck flames into engine.
- If engine starts, run at 60%-70% for a short time.
- Mixture: OFF
- Fuel valve: OFF
- Battery switch: OFF
- Apply rotor brake if time permits.
- Exit helicopter.
Engine Fire in Flight
- Enter autorotation.
- Cabin head off (if time permits)
- Open fresh air vents (if time permits)
- If engine is running, perform normal landing then fuel mixture OFF and fuel valve OFF.
- If engine stops, fuel valve OFF and complete autorotation landing.
- Battery switch: OFF
- Apply rotor brake (if time permits)
- Exit helicopter
Electrical Fire in Flight
- Turn off battery and alternator switches.
- Open air vents.
- Land immediately.
- Mixture and fuel valve OFF
- Apply rotor brake (if time permits)
- Exit helicopter
Tachometer Failure
If 1 fails, use remaining tach to monitor RPM.
If both fail, allow governor to control RPM and land as soon as practical.
Hydraulic Systems Failure
- HYD switch: Verify ON.
- If hydraulics not restored, switch HYD OFF.
- Adjust airspeed and flight condition for comfortable control.
- Land as soon as practical.
Governor Failure
- Grip throttle firmly to override governor.
- Switch governor off.
- Complete flight using manual throttle control.
OIL Warning Light
Indicates loss of engine power or oil pressure. If power or pressure loss is confirmed, land immediately.
ENG FIRE Warning Light
Indicates possible fire in engine compartment
MR Temp Warning Light
Indicates excessive temperature of MR gearbox.
- Land as soon as practical.
- If light is accompanied by any other indication of a problem, land immediately.
MR Chip Warning Light
Indicates metallic particles in MR gearbox.
- Land as soon as practical.
- If light is accompanied by any other indication of a problem, land immediately.
(Break in fuzz will sometimes activate chip lights)
TR Chip Warning Light
Indicates metallic particles in TR gearbox.
- Land as soon as practical.
- If light is accompanied by any other indication of a problem, land immediately.
(Break in fuzz will sometimes activate chip lights)
Low Fuel Light
3 gal useable fuel remaining/10 minutes of flight time.
AUX FUEL PUMP Warning Light
Indicates low auxiliary fuel pump pressure.
- Land as soon as practical.
- If accompanied by engine roughness, land immediately.
FUEL FILTER Warning Light
Indicates fuel filter contamination.
- Land as soon as practical.
- If accompanied by AUX FUEL light or engine roughness, land immediately.
Indicates clutch actuator circuit is on.
- If light flickers or does not go out within 10 seconds, pull clutch CB and land as soon as practical.
- If other indications of drivetrain failure, land immediately.
ALT Warning Light
Indicates low voltage and possible alternator failure.
- Turn off all nonessential electrical equipment.
- Turn ALT off, then back on after 1 second.
- If light stays on, land as soon as practical.
Indicates starter motor is engaged. If light does not go out, pull mixture and turn off battery switch.
Indicates elevated levels of CO in cabin.
- Turn off heat.
- Open vents.
- If in hover, land or transition to forward flight.
- If any symptoms of CO poisoning, land immediately.
LOW RPM light and horn
Lower collective and roll throttle on. Aft cyclic in forward flight.
Recommended Airspeeds
Takeoff and climb: 60 KIAS
Max rate of climb: 55 KIAS
Max cruise: 110 KIAS (only exceed with caution in smooth air)
Significant turbulence: 60-70 KIAS
Landing approach: 60 KIAS
Autorotation: 60-70 KIAS
Hover Controllability
17 KT wind from any direction at 9800’ DA