Papillon Interview Study Flashcards
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135 Flight time limitations:
24 hours
2 Consecutive quarters
8 hours
500 hours/ quarter
800 hours/2 consecutive quarters
1,400 hours/calendar year
135 Rest requirements/ 24 consecutive hours
10 consecutive hours of rest
135 Rest requirements
Exceeded by:
<30 minutes
> 30 minutes <60
> 60
10 hours of consecutive rest w/ 8 hrs flight time
11 hrs rest
12 hrs rest
16 hrs rest
What are isogonic lines
Lines of equal magnetic variation
How do you convert magnetic HD to True HD
Compass HD +/- variation
Where are three places you can find mag HD on the sectional
Navaid Compass Rose
What are alert areas?
Non regulatory areas of high volume training acft
What are MOA’s
Non-regulatory areas that seperate military flights from IFR tfc
How do you contact the controlling agency?
Is this asking permission?
Freq listed on sectional
Call FSS w/in 100 NM
This is not asking permission
Are listed MOA altitudes ceilings or floors?
Floors unless stated otherwise
Go to but not including FL 180
136 applies to who?
135, 119.1 (e)(2), 91.146 ops doing commercial air tours
What is required in a pax briefing per 136.7?
seatbelt use, no smoking, how to exit
More for over water….
What must be included in the 136.13 Performance Plan?
Consider Max DA to determine: IGE/OGE, W and B limits, Max combo of wt/alt/temp for H/V to be valid. Must avoid shaded areas of H/V
Can you land a helicopter in a National Park?
No, unless permission given, otherwise prohibited. Also, requested to fly above 2,000’ AGL
How tall does an obstruction have to be in order to be charted?
More than 200’ or more than 299’ if in a congested area
How much clearance does an MEF give?
Elevation of Terrain + 100’ or 1/2 a contour interval then rounded up to nearest 100’. Obstructions use same process but with an additional 200’ buffer
What are the 2 main categories of airspace?
Regulatory (A,B,C,D, E, Restricted and Prohibited areas)
Non-regulatory (G, MOA, Warning area, alert area, CFA, NSA)
What 4 types of airspace are there?
Controlled, Uncontrolled, Special Use, Other
What are the basic VFR wx mins for controlled airspace?
A N/A, B C.O.C, C/D 3 1-5-2, E <10,000 3 1-5-2 | E >10,000 5 1-1-1
What is the pilot’s responsibility prior to entering controlled airspace even if under radar advisories?
Ensure that ATC clearance or radio communication requirements are met.
What are the vertical and lateral boundaries of class A airspace?
18,000 MSL to and including FL 600
Overlying waters w/in 12 NM off the coast of the 48 contiguous States and AK
How can you request a deviation from using the Mode C x-sponder in Class B?
The request must be submitted to the controlling ATC facility at least 1 hour before the proposed operation.
What equipment is required inside class E airspace?
No specific equipment requirements. Transponder use in Mode C and above 10,00 MSL excluding 2,500’ AGL
What requirements must be met for an airport to qualify for Class E to the sfc?
Must have wx observation and reporting capability, and communications capability must exist w/ acft down to rnwy sfc.
What is the height hover taxi are expected to stay below without further ATC approval?
25’ AGL
What is the height air taxi is expected to stay below without further ATC approval
100’ AGL
How long are TAFs valid and what area do they forecast?
Valid for 24 or 30 hours
Forecast 5 NM radius around airport
What lists official wx sources for commercial operators?
What is a wx observation?
Raw wx data collected by some type of sensor suite (observations/imagery)
What is a wx analysis?
Enhanced depiction and/or interpretation of observed wx data. (wx man made sense of the observation)
What is the AIM CH 7 definition of a forecast?
Predictions based on observations and various mathematical models
When are SIGMETS issued and how long are they valid?
Sever icing, severe/extreme/CAT turbulence, widespread dust storms w/ viz below 3 mi, volcanic ash
Valid for 4 hours
When are Convective SIGMETS issued and how long are they valid?
Sever thunderstorms due to: sfc winds +50kts, hail +3/4”, tornadoes, embedded T-storms, line of T-storms, T-storms w/ precip +heavy affecting 40% + of area at least 3000 Sq Mi
Valid for 2 hours
What are the characteristics of a microburst in terms of:
Visual signs
Size: <1 mi diameter until outflow then 2 1/2 mi diameter
Intenstity: downdrafts of 6,000 fpm, horiz winds of 45 kts
Visual: anywhere w/ convective activity to include virga
Duration: Usually <15 min most intense at 2-4 min
Where can severe turbulence be expected around a T-storm?
Anywhere in the visible storm and up to 20 miles from severe storms
What cloud height does AIM CH 7 regard as extremely hazardous thunderstorms?
Tops 35,000’ +
What temperature range does AIM CH 7 tell you to expect icing?
+2 C to -10 C in visible moisture
What temperature range has an increased chance for lighting strikes?
At altitudes where the temperature is between -5 C and +5 C
What direction are winds given in forecasts?
Relative to True North
What height is the cut off for wind shear to be considered LLWS?
below 2,000’ AGL
What does TEMPO on TAF mean?
Changes expected for <1 hour and in total
What proximity to the airport is VC (vicinity) for?
5 to 10 SM Beyond 10 SM designated as DSNT (Distant)
What does FM in a TAF indicate?
Rapid changes in wx usually occuring in less than 1 hour
What does BECMG in a TAF indicate?
Used when a gradual change in conditions is expected over a longer time period, usually 2 hours
What are the first limit indicators for the EC-130
Torque (TQ)
N1 (gas generator)
Size of EC-130 Fuel Tank:
Fuel burn at recommended cruz:
143 Gal
<350 lbs/hr
+ 4 hrs
Who is responsible for maintaining acft in airworthy condition?
Who is responsible to determine acft safe for flight?
Owner Operator
What are the general dimensions of the R44?
Width: ~7’
Height: ~11’
Lenth: ~30’
Rotor Diameter: 33’
What is the formula to calculate PA?
29.92 - field press X 1,000 + FE = PA
Current temp - std temp X 120 + PA = DA
What is critical altitude?
Altitude at which full throttle produces max allowable MCP or TOP
Weights for wt/bal calculations: Oil 100LL Jet-A Water
Oil: 7.5 lbs/gal (4 quarts/gal) 1.875 lbs/quart
100LL: 6 lbs/ gal
Jet-A (JP5): 6.8 lbs/gal
Water: 8.35 lbs/gal
What is wired through the engine LH magneto?
Contact points for governor and engine tachometer
Battery bypass circuit supplies power to what?
Engine and rotor Tach
What conditions require LAND IMMEDIATELY?
Engine failure Drive failure Engine fire / electrical fire Oil Pressure loss Gearbox lights w/ other indications Clutch light w/ other indications CO w/ symptoms
What RPM does rotor stall occur?
80% + 1% per 1,000’ of altitude (DA)
What is a wet sump oil system?
Uses crankcase as a built in oil reservoir
Where is alternate air for the engine pulled from in the event the induction system is clogged?
At the bottom of the radial flow air filter. Big round thing under the helicopter
How does the clutch actuator work?
Upper sheave is raised by electric actuator located between the drive sheaves.
Where is the fuse for the clutch actuator motor?
What does the clutch C/B power?
Located on the test switch panel (caution light test)
Also, a spare fuse located here.
C/B removes power to motor and light
What does the ammeter indicate?
Current to the battery
What instructions must helicopter be maintained IAW?
Mx Manual, ICA’s, SB’s, Service letters…, and AD’s
Engine power is directly proportional to what?
Rotor RPM
Ex: RPM drops 10%, there is 10% less power
After clutch engagement how soon should the rotor begin to turn?
w/in 5 seconds
What is required awareness trng under SFAR 73
Ground training on:
Energy Management
Low rotor RPM/rotor stall
Low G/Mast Bumping
What is required flt training to act as PIC under SFAR 73
Advanced autorotations
Gov off
low rotor rpm recongition/recovery
Low G/Mast bumping
What req’s must be met to act as PIC in a R44
Awareness training Aeronautical exp: 200+ hrs total 50 hrs in R44 or 10 hrs dual instruction Non-rated reqs 20 hrs dual and 90 day endorsment
What does TOPS stand for?
Tour Operator’s Program of Safety
What is the relationship between T/R thrust and RPM
T/R thrust proportional to square of RPM
How much teetering clearance is between hub and mast?
~12 degrees on R44
Gyroscopic lag in low G causes 10 deg of tilt
Why is low rotor RPM more critical at high DA?
Rotor demand increases and power available decreases
What flight restrictions does TOPS impose?
500’ min alt
1 mi min viz
max bank 30 deg
max pitch 10 deg
What documents have to be carried in the helicopter and what rules req each?
Airworthiness Cert (91.203)
Registration (91.203)
POH (91.9)
Current W/B (NOTE 1 TCDS)
What are general dimensions of TFR’s for sporting events?
3 NM radius 2,500’ AGL
If 91.213 allows flight w/out an inoperative piece of equipment, when does that equipment have to be repaired?
Must be R^2, removed, or inspected at the next required inspection (91.405)
What are the hour requirements to work single pilot under 135?
500 hours total
100 hours cross country
25 hours night cross country