R22 Beta II POH Study Flashcards
Sections of the R22 POH
1 General
2 Limitations
3 Emergency Procedures
4 Normal Procedures
5 Performance
6 Weight & Balance
7 Systems Descriptions
8 Handling and Maintenance
9 Supplements
10 Safety Tips
Definition of CAUTION and NOTE
CAUTION: Equipment damage, injury, or death can result if procedure or instruction is not followed.
NOTE: Provides emphasis or supplementary information.
Dimensions of R22 helicopter
259” long
76” wide
107” tall
MR blade diameter
25’ 2”
MR Blade Chord
7.2” inboard
7.7” outboard
Blade Twist
-8 Degrees
MR Articulation
Free to teeter and cone, rigid inplane
TR Articulation
Free to teeter, rigid inplane
TR diameter
TR Blade Chord
4” constant
TR blade twist
0 degrees
TR precone angle
1 deg 11 min
MR tip speed
698 FPS
TR tip speed
622 FPS
Drive System Ratios
-Engine to upper sheave: .85:1 speed reducing ratio.
-MR gearbox: 11:47 speed reducing ratio.
-TR gearbox: 3:2 speed increasing ratio.
Engine model
Four cylinder, horizontally opposed, direct drive air cooled, normally aspirated, carbureted.
361 cubic inches displacement
R22 Engine Horsepower
145 HP (derated)
124 MCP
131 5 min TOP
Color codes for instrument markings
-Red: Operating limit
-Yellow: Precautionary or special operating range
-Green: Normal operating range
R22 Vne
up to 3000’ DA: 102 KIAS
Over 3000’ DA: See chart
Rotor Speed Limits
Power On: 101% - 104% (2562 RPM)
Power Off: 90% - 110%
Transient operation below 97% for EP training
Cylinder Head Max Temp
500 deg F
Oil Max Temp
245 deg F
Oil Pressure Limits
Min during idle: 25 psi
Min during flight: 55 psi
Max during flight: 95 psi
Max during startup/warmup: 115
Oil quantity
Min 4 qt for takeoff
R22 Weight Limits
Max Gross: 1370 lbs
Min Gross: 920 lbs
Max per seat: 240 lbs
Max in baggage comp: 50 lbs
Solo pilot weight of 135+ lbs should ensure CG within limits
Flight and Maneuver Limitations
- Aerobatic flight prohibited.
- Low G cyclic pushovers prohibited.
- Flight prohibited with governor off unless conducting EP or EP training.
- Flight into known icing prohibited.
- Max operating DA 14000’
- Governor, OAT, Alternator, Low RRPM warning system must be operational.
- Min crew is 1 pilot in right seat (CFI may act as PIC from left seat).
- Left seat belt must be buckled.
- May remove either or both doors. Secure loose items.
- Headset for each pilot (for low RRPM warning)
Night VFR Requirements
- Instrument, Landing, Nav, anti-collision lights must be operable.
- Must retain visual reference to the ground by ground lighting or adequate celestial illumination.
Approved Fuel Grades
100 (green), 100LL (blue), 100VLL (blue), (more types in POH)
Fuel Capacity (bladder tanks)
Main: 16.9 useable, 18.3 total.
Aux: 9.4 useable, 9.7 total.
ASI Markings
Green: 50-102 KIAS
Red line: 102 KIAS
Oil Temp Gauge Markings
Green arc: 75-245 deg f
Red line: 245 deg f
CHT Gauge Markings
Green arc: 200-500 deg f
Red line: 500 deg f
MAP Gauge Markings
Yellow arc: 19.6-24.1 in Hg
Red line: 24.1 in Hg
CAT yellow arc
-15 to +5 deg C
MAP max takeoff power and use of carb heat
Add 0.9 in Hg for TOP
Add 1.5 in Hg for full carb heat
When encountering moderate, severe, or extreme turbulence
Adjust speed to between 60 KIAS and 0.7 Vne, but not less than 57 KIAS.
Moderate Turbulence Definition
Changes in attitude or altitude, variations in indicated airspeed, occupants feel strain against seatbelts.
“Land Immediately”
Land on the nearest clear area where a safe normal landing can be performed. Be prepared to enter autorotation if required.
“Land as soon as practical”
Landing site is at pilot’s discretion based on nature of the problem and available landing areas. Flight beyond the nearest airport is not recommended.
Power Failure Above 500’ AGL
- Immediately lower collective to enter autorotation.
- Establish a glide at 65 KIAS.
- Maintain 97%-110% RRPM
- Select landing spot (preferably into the wind).
- A restart may be attempted at pilot’s discretion.
- If unable to restart, turn off fuel valve and unnecessary switches.
- Begin cyclic flare at 40’ AGL
- About 8’ AGL, forward cyclic to level and collective to cushion landing.
Power Failure Between 8’ AGL and 500’ AGL
- Immediately lower collective to enter autorotation.
- Maintain 97%-110% RRPM
- Maintain airspeed until cyclic flare.
- About 8’ AGL, forward cyclic to level and collective to cushion landing.
Power Failure Below 8’ AGL
- Right pedal as needed.
- Allow aircraft to settle.
- Raise collective to cushion just before touchdown.
Max Glide Distance Configuration
75 KIAS and 90% RRPM
Possible glide ratio of 4:1
Increase RRPM to 97%-110% below 500’ AGL
Air Restart Procedure
- Mixture full rich.
- Primer (if installed) down and locked.
- Throttle closed then cracked slightly.
- Actuate starter with left hand.
(do not attempt air restart if engine malfunction is suspected)
Emergency Water Landing - Power Off
- Same procedure for autorotation over land.
- Unlatch doors if time permits.
- Apply Lateral Cyclic once aircraft contacts water.
- Release seatbelt and clear aircraft once rotors stop.
Emergency Water Landing - Power On
- Hover above water.
- Unlatch doors
- Passenger jumps out.
- Fly safe distance from passenger.
- Battery and alternator off.
- Perform hover auto into the water.
- Apply lateral cyclic.
- Release seatbelt and clear aircraft once rotors stop.
Loss of TR Thrust in Forward Flight
- Immediately enter autorotation.
- Maintain at least 70 KIAS.
- Roll throttle into overtravel spring before landing.
(Flight at low power settings and 70+ KIAS may be possible to fly to a suitable landing site. Enter autorotation before landing)
Loss of TR Thrust in a Hover
- Roll throttle into overtravel spring.
- Raise collective just before touchdown to cushion landing.
Headset Audio Failure
Land as soon as practical
(may not hear low RRPM warning system)
Engine Fire During Start on Ground
- Continue cranking to suck flames and excess fuel into engine.
- If engine starts, run at 50%-60% for a short time.
- Mixture: OFF
- Fuel valve: OFF
- Battery switch: OFF
- Apply rotor brake if time permits.
- Exit helicopter
Engine Fire in Flight
- Enter autorotation.
- Cabin heat: OFF
- Open cabin vents if time permits.
- (If engine is running) Perform normal landing then mixture and fuel valve OFF.
- (If engine fails) Fuel valve off then complete autorotative landing
- Battery switch: OFF
- Apply rotor brake if time permits.
- Exit helicopter.
Electrical Fire in Flight
- Battery and alternator: OFF
- Open cabin vents
- Land immediately
- Mixture and fuel valve: OFF
- Apply rotor brake if time permits
- Exit helicopter
(Governor and low RRPM warning system won’t work with battery and alternator switches off)
Tachometer Failure
Use remaining tach to monitor RPM. If both tachs fail, allow governor to control RPM and land as soon as practical.
(Tachs will work even if batt and alt switches off)
Governor Failure
Grip throttle firmly to override governor. Switch governor off. Complete flight using manual throttle control.
OIL Warning Light
Indicates loss of oil or oil pressure. Check engine tach and oil pressure gauge. If pressure loss is confirmed, land immediately.
MR Temp Light
Indicates excessive temperature in MR gearbox.
If light is accompanies by other indications like noise or vibration, land immediately. Otherwise land as soon as practical.
MR Chip Light
Indicates metallic particles in MR gearbox.
If light is accompanies by other indications like noise or vibration, land immediately. Otherwise land as soon as practical.
TR Chip Light
Indicates metallic particles in TR gearbox.
If light is accompanies by other indications like noise or vibration, land immediately. Otherwise land as soon as practical.
Low Fuel Light
Indicates 1.5 gal/5 minutes of fuel remaining.
Clutch Light
Indicates clutch actuator circuit is on.
If light flickers or illuminates for 10 seconds, pull clutch circuit breaker and land as soon as practical.
If there are any indications of drive system failure, land immediately.
ALT Warning Light
Indicates low voltage and possible alternator failure.
Turn off all nonessential electrical equipment.
Switch ALT off, then on after 1 second.
If light stays on, land as soon as practical.
(Continued flight with failed alternator can lead to loss of power to tachometers)
Starter On Light
Indicates starter motor is engaged. If light does not go out after start, pull mixture and turn battery switch off.
Low RPM Light
Indicates rotor speed below 97%. Immediately lower collective and roll on throttle. if in forward flight apply aft cyclic.
Carbon Monoxide Light
Shut off heater and open cabin vents. If hovering, land or transition to forward flight. If any symptoms of CO poisoning, land immediately.
Inadvertent encounter with moderate, severe, or extreme turbulence
If isolated, depart the area. Otherwise, land as soon as practical.
Recommended Airspeeds
Takeoff and climb: 60 KIAS
Max rate of climb: 53 KIAS
Max range: 83 KIAS
Significant turbulence: 60-70 KIAS
Landing approach: 60 KIAS
Autorotation: 60-70 KIAS
Use of Carb Heat
During run up: Apply full to preheat the induction system.
During takeoff, climb, and cruise: Apply as required to keep CAT out of yellow arc.
During Descent and autorotation: Ignore CAT gauge and apply full carb heat.
CAT inaccurate below 18” MAP
Governor masks carb icing
Carb heat assist
Carb Icing Conditions
-4C to 30C with temp/dewpoint spread less than 15C
Carb Heat effect on hover performance
Data given is with carb heat off. Carb heat can reduce hover ceilings by up to 2000 feet.
Hover Controllability
Substantiated in 17 knot wind from all directions at 9800’ DA
Satisfactory Engine Cooling
Demonstrated to 100 deg F at sea level and 41 deg F above ISA.
Calibrated Airspeed
Indicated airspeed corrected for instrument and position error.
IGE hover chart
2’ skid clearance. 104% RPM.
To the right of 9800 DA line was tested. The rest is an FAA authorized extrapolation up to 12600’ DA. Can extend the lines past 12600’ DA, but only to 14000’ DA (safer to extend the lines horizontally).
Read through all the safety tips and notices now.
Read through all the safety tips and notices now.
R22 max continuous and max transient engine speeds
104% max continuous