R2103 3.3 Describe the biology of pests Flashcards
Methods of feeding: Rabbits
- Grazing animal - relatively clean cuts
- Most feeding done dusk till dawn
- Bark gnawed from base of trunks - especially in snow/frost covered ground
- Can ring-bark trees and kill them
Methods of feeding: cabbage white (large white) butterfly larvae
- Holes are eaten in the outer leaves of brassicas and damage may be seen on the inner leaves of cabbages when heart is cut through
- Has biting mouthparts
- rabbits
- large cabbage white butterfly larvae
- adult and larval forms of vine weevil
- mice
- aphids
- two spotted spider mite
- two spotted spider mite
Methods of feeding: Black bean aphid
- Piercing and sucking mouthparts
- Sucks sugery phloem liquid from leaves and flowers often leading to a sooty mold
- Can transmit viruses
Methods of feeding: peach potato aphid
- Piercing / sucking with their feeding tubes and sucking the sap
- Digestive juices injected into phloem may lead to distorted buds
- Can infect the plant with a virus e.g. mosaic virus, leaf-roll virus
- Excretes plant sugars as sticky honeydew when they feed - leading to black sticky molds
Methods of feeding: two-spotted spider mite
- Piercing / sucking mouthparts
- Inject poisonous juices which cause localised death of leaf cells - results in fine mottling of leaf
- Suck sap
Methods of feeding: glasshouse whitefly
- Sucking stylets which extract sugery phloem causing large amounts of honeydew and sooty molds on leaf surface
Methods of feeding: vine weevil
- Adults eat out notch like holes in leaves or round the edges of plants
- Grubs cause most damage in autumn/winter when they feed on plant roots
- Strong biting mouthparts which tear up leaf sections to chew
Methods of feeding: Slugs
- Slugs and snails break down plant tissue with their rasping ‘radula; covered by tiny recurved teeth
- Plant tissues are rasped with a tongue-like radula
- Acts like a nail file leaving irregular holes in seedlings, roots, bulbs, corms, tubers, leaves, buds and fruits
Methods of feeding: Potato cyst eelworm
- Feed by puncuring plant cells and feeding on their contents
- Some will feed on root hairs
- Most damaging sort invades plants and destroys tissues from within
- Has a spear on the mouth region which is thrust into plant cells. Salivary enzymes are then injected into the plant and the plant juices sucked in by the nematode.
How do insects breath?
- They do not have lungs
- The have breathing holes called spiracles along their abdominal section leading to a breathing system (tracheae)
How to control pests using spiracles
- As they allow vapour to enter the tracheae of insects (and mites) they can also be blocked by formulations based on plant oils, for example sunflower oil or other sticky ingredients which smother the insect
How to control pests using exoskeleton
- Can be attacked by chemical which dissolve its waxy coating such as natural fatty acids
How to control pests using the digestive system
- Stomach acting pesticides can be eaten and poison the pest e.g. slug pellets
How to control pests using multiple controls at once
Synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin is a stomach poison but also acts on the outer skin or cuticle of the caterpillar