R1.1 The conditions of Russia before 1917 Flashcards
Multiple factors weakened the Tsars authority in Russia, name some factors relative to the war…
-Poor conditions, equipment and training of soldiers
-Heavy losses and casualties; desertions
-Effect on Russia at home-unemployment, rations
-Continuation of war
Name some factors that weakened the Tsars authority, relative to Rasputin…
-Interfering in politics during Tsar’s absence
-Unpopular with Tsarist Supporters
-Reputation weakened support of Tsar (affair with Alexandra)
Name some factors that weakened the Tsars authority, relative to the Tsar…
-Generally ignorant, (divine right, boredom of politics)
-Reactionary, weakening Duma, reluctant to change government
-Commander-in-chief (no military experience)
Name some factors that weakened the Tsars authority, relative to Economy…
-Mobilising Russia for war, increased taxes, inflation
-Rationing and famine due to resources sent to front line
-Fuel shortages, railway system collapsing, food wasted
-Unemployment, non-military factor closures
Name some factors that weakened the Tsars authority, relative to General Discontent…
-Unhappy about Russia’s failing war effort
-Poor living conditions, inadequate diet, inflation, death disease and famine
-Strikes Moscow, Petrograd January 1917
-Angry at Managerial positions
Name some factors that weakened the Tsars authority, relative to Political situation…
-Chaotic: many politicl parties and Duma
-Progressive Bloc: tried to convince senior army officers to overthrow Tsar and force abdication
-Less direct challenge from left, most in exile
What was the Tsars personality like?
-Believed he had the divine right to rule
-Stubborn and saw advice as criticism
-Undermined his ministers to stop anyone challenging his authority
What happened with the State Duma?
-Nicholas forced to allow a State Duma to form in 1906
-Had meetings to debate politics and legislation
-Nicholas refused to share any real power with Duma, frustrating those hoping for democratic approach to Russia
-Nicholas only one in power so remained responsible for problems
What happened between Alexandra and Rasputin that angered the people?
-Rasputin was a “holy man” who was trusted by the royal couple for supposedly helping Aleksei
-Alexandra encouraged Nicholas to hear Rasputin’s advice
-Rasputin had reputation of sexual promiscuity
What was the Tsars attitude to fixing problems?
-Since he believed in divine right, he believed Russia should have faith in God and that Nicholas wouldn’t have to try solve problems - God would
What was hapening in Society pre 1917 revolution?
-Strikes in 1913, he ignored and insultingly had jubilees for 300th Romanov rule - proclaiming: “my people love me”
-Whilst society initially supported war, soon became unhappy with effect it had
-High unemployment
What was happening in economy pre 1917 revolution?
-Suffered from ww1: rationing, increased taxes, loans, inflation and money was virtually worthless by 1917
-Agricultural workers conscripted, shortage of grain sold, shortage of food everywhere because of prioritising army
What was happening in Military pre 1917 revolution?
-Russia engulfed in ww1, fighitng against Germany and Russia struggled alone on Eastern Front.
-Tsars decision initially popular, soon clear there wouldn’t be quick victory
-Army inefficient, improve by Brusilov campaign in 1916
-Tsar took position as Commander-In-Chief with no experience in military power 1915
What was happening in politics pre 1917 revolution?
-Political parties not allowed pre 1906 Duma creation
-Tsar was aristocratic ruler, no interest in politics, convinced in divine right
-Zemgor formed as a result of political turmoil regarding the management of the Military, Prince Lvov chaired this (Tsar shunned)
-Progessive Bloc formed 1915 demanding a constitutional monarchy (Tsar not cooperate)]
What was happening with ideology pre 1917 revolution?
-Less direct challenges from left as most leaders in exile, Lenin in switzerland tried to incite uprise of working class
What was happening with individuals and groups pre 1917 revolution?
-Rasputin seen as a holy man and promised to heal haemophilia but also became big influence over tsar and Alexandra, inspiring rumours of sexual relationship