QUOTES UNIT 3 Flashcards
The holy Bible can never speak UNTRUTH -whenever its true meaning is understood
Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
Let us grant that THEOLOGY is the highest of the sciences. But if THEOLOGY does not concern itself with the subject-matter of the subordinate sciences because they do not deal with blessedness, then THEOLOGIANS should not take upon themselves the authority to decide controversies over issues which they have not studied
Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina
I have always been of the opinion that the two questions respecting God and the SOUL WERE THE CHIEF of those that ought to be determined by help of philosophy rather then theology….
Rene Descartes
Meditations on Philosophy
If we submit everything to reason, our religion will have no MYSTERIOUS AND SUPERNATURAL, If we offend the principles of reason, our religion will be absurd and ridiculous.
Blaise Pascal
…it is by no means enough to have knowledge of the Christian faith, for Christianity CONSISTS RATHER OF PRACTICE.
German Pietists
Phillip Jakob Spener, Pia Desideria
in Christ Jesus, in the distribution of grace and the spirit, there is neither male nor female. GALATIANS 3:28, and the grace and gift of God must not be quenched or suppressed. So while I know how to govern myself with proper received from God under a bushel [Matt 5:15] but use it to His honor and to the benefit of my neighbor.
German Pietists
Johanna Eleonora Petersen, Guide to a Thorough Understanding of the Holy Revelation of Jesus Christ
But through men when they enter into society give up the equality, liberty, and executive power they had in the STATE OF NATURE into the hands of the society, to be so far disposed of by the legislative as the good of the society shall require, yet it being only with an intention in every one the better to preserve himself, his liberty and property.
John Locke
The Second Treatise of Government
Reason, however cultivated and improved, cannot produce love of God; which is plain from hence: It cannot produce faith or hope; from which alone this LOVE CAN FLOW.
John Wesley
The Case of Reason Impartially Considered
tho’ some of the dogmas of the persuasion, such as the eternal decrees of God, ELECTION, reprobation, etc., appeared to me unintelligible, others doubtful, and I early absented myself from the public assemblies of the sect, Sunday being my studying da, I was never without some religious principles…
Benjamin Franklin
The Autobiography of Benjamin Fraklin
Sapere Aude! “Have courage to use your own understanding!”—that is the motto of enlightenment
Immanuel Kant
An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?
When you make men slaves you DEPRIVE THEM OF HALF THEIR VITURE, you set them in your own conduct an example of fraud, rapine, and cruelty, and compel them to live with you in a state of war; and yet you complain that they are not honest or faithful!
Olaudah Equiano
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
The mutual duties of the two sexes are not, and cannot be, equally binding on both. Women do wrong to complain of the inequality of man-made laws; THIS INEQUALITY IS NOT OF MANS MAKING, or at any rate it is not the result of mere prejudice, but of reason. She to whom nature entrusted the care of the children must hold herself responsible for them to their furture.
Enlightenment Philosophers Debate Gender Roles
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile
Would men but GENEROUSLY SNAP OUR CHAINS, and be content with rational fellowship, instead of slavish obedience, they would find us more observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more faithful wives, more responsible mothers–in a word, better citizens.
Mary Wollstonecraft
A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Give me a host of educated, pious MOTHERS AND SISTERS, and I will do more to revolutionize a country, In moral and religious taste, in manners and in social virtues and intellectual cultivation, than I can possibly do in double or treble the time, with a similar host of educated men…
Sarah Grimke
On the Condition of Women in the United States
I love the pure, peaceable and impartial Christianity of Christ: I partial and hypocritical CHRISTIANITY OF THIS LAND. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity.
Frederick Douglass
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass