WHO- religious reformer who was monastic
WHERE- Italy
WHEN- 4th-5th century
1)Created the rule of Benedict which implicated rules to live a life full of prayer
2)Developed a motto which served as prayer and work to help care for the poor
WHO- Arab religious leader of Islamic ways
WHERE- Mecca
WHEN- 5th-6th century
1) He forms the scripture of the Qur’an and the founder of islam
2) Was the chosen recipient and messenger of the word of God through the divine revelations
WHO- King of the franks
WHERE- Frankish Kingdom
WHEN- 8th century
1)Started school and universities which we still use widely today
2) Strong supporter of the church so the pope crowns him emperor of the holy roman empire
Hildegard of Bingen
WHO- Mystic and scholar as well as a monastic leader
WHERE- Germany
WHEN-12th century
1) her diverse gifts made her a medieval celebrity, able to criticize kings and correspond with popes.
2) A doctor of the church who had mystic, full body experiences
-Rights of the church
-Beginning –> End of life
-6th century until NOW
Francis of Assisi
WHO- Asceticism man who was a devoted christian
WHERE- Italy
WHEN- 13th century
1) He created a new monastic order based around poverty and simplicity
2) Has many missionary journeys to preach to all creation to live a life that looked like the life of christ
Thomas Aquinas
WHO- Medieval christian scholastic philosopher
WHERE- Italy
WHEN- 13th century
1) Defined just law as any law that uplifts human personality
unjust laws are which that degrade human personality
2) Created the hierarchy of laws which can be seen as a way to look at eternal law, divine law, natural law and human law
3)Understood human condition, faith completes reason and grace completes nature
WHO- A rationalist who was also a Islamic Philosopher
WHEN-12th century
1) He believed that muslims should study and learn the ways of non Muslim philosophers
2) He devoted his studies to Aristotle which were translated to latin and Hebrew
High Middle Ages
WHO- Period of culture and economic flourishing
WHEN-10th-12th century
1) The rise of large cities and economic prosperity
2) The crusades started
3) Faith and reason was integrated
4)God’s revelation of himself which can be seen as special and natural
Black Death
WHO- Epidemic which killed millions
WHERE-Central Asia to Europe
WHEN-13 century
1) Theological reasoning and resentment of the church are set into play
2) Labor shortage which resulted in better wages and working conditions
Great (western) Schism
WHO- Popes and Kings
WHEN- 13th-14th century
1) Split western churches causes there to be two popes
Ad Fontes
WHO- “back to the source”
WHERE-Greek and Roman
WHEN-14th-16th century’s
1) This caused the rediscovery of greek
2) A sense of renaissance humanism was used in the text
WHO- The prince of humanism, dutch born man
WHERE- France
WHEN- 16th century
1) Uses the Ad Fontes approach to reconstruct a Greek New Testament
2) Encouraged the learning of pagan poets and philosophers to help read the bible better
WHO- Held government positions in republican Florence
WHERE- Italy
WHEN-16th century
1) Had a secular understanding of politics, leaders should appear religious but be prepared to put all of it aside when the time comes
2) He showed us in the prince writing what the importance of being feared is compared to being loved.
Italian Renaissance
WHO- A major consensus
WHERE- Italy
WHEN- 14th-16th century
1)The rebirth of ancient texts which led us to discover the rich complexity of ancient culture
2) it later sophisticated concepts and values