Quotes 6 Flashcards
‘age of reason / zenith of modernity’
David Allen Harvey
‘those who make a profession of divination and prediction, or of the explanation of dreams’
Article 497 Section 7
David Allen Harvey
‘intention and integrity of the accused’
David Allen Harvey
Estelle Bosart and Cautineau
cards / former lover / deceit / spy
David Allen Harvey
Sorcerer Goupil and Lorrione
livestock / cursed / protection
David Allen Harvey
Mme. Serrin & Mlle. Mondon / Geurin
marriage / legal / illiterate
David Allen Harvey
‘foolish but inoffensive’
David Allen Harvey
‘lower class and female vocation’
David Allen Harvey
‘air of exoticism and secrecy’ ‘no doubt a major factor in its appeal in both elite and popular circles’
David Allen Harvey
‘promised to enable one to master difficult circumstances and chart one’s way through a threatening future’
David Allen Harvey
‘enforcement was as sporadic as it had been under the Third Republic’
David Allen Harvey
‘difficulty in defining the offence, the relatively light penalties and the possibility of obtaining a criminal conviction for fraud in more serious cases’
David Allen Harvey
‘Homosexuality, after all, was closely associated with criminality’
William Peniston
‘the former violated the sexual order, and the latter the social order’
William Peniston
‘male prostitution clearly constituted a major criminal problem that needed to be more effectively controlled by the police’
Francois Carlier