Quiz tomorrow Flashcards
Someone who is 18 years of age or older
Advance Directive
Written documents that detail the patients wishes regarding health care decisions; o siesta of the living will and the durable power of attorney
Someone who has the authority to represent another person
Any threatened or implied act, whether carried out or not
Unauthorized touching of another person
Breach of Contract
When one of the parties in a contract faults to fulfill its part of the agreement
Code of Ethics
Principles created by professional organizations to serve as a guide for the conduct of health care professionals in that occupation
Preserving the legal rights of a patient to privacy concerning his or her medical Affairs
To give permission
promise that is enforceable by law
Money to compensate for an injury or losen
Defamation of Character
A legal charge for disclosing unauthorized information that could harm the reputation of another
Designation of Health Care Surrogate
A legally recognized document in which individuals designate specific people to act on their behalf if they become unable to make health care decisions for themselves
Being careful about what you say preserving confidences, and respecting privacy
Emancipated Minor
Someone younger than age 18 who is financially independent, married, or in the military
Ethical Dillemma
When the underlying principles of an ethical system appear to contradict each other and no clear answer emerges
A system of principles a society develops to guide decision making about what is right and wrong ; it helps people deal with difficult and complex problems that lack easy answers
Performing a deliberate action that results in a painless easy death for individuals with an incurable disease ; same as mercy killing
Express Consent
permission that is given orally or in writing to receive treatment, more formal than applied consent
Express Contract
Result of the parties in contract discussing and agreeing on specific terms and conditions
False Imprisonment
a legos claim patients can charge if they are held against their will; unless they are mentally im competent or a danger to themselves or others
A form of dishonesty that involves cheating or trickery
Implied Consent
Permission for procedures indicated by the patients actions ; for example, showing up for a medical appointment
Implied Contract
When the actions of the parties cease a contract without being detailed in a written format
Informed Consent
Permission given for a procedure to be performed after it and any possible consequences have been explained
Invasive Procedures
Puncture or incisions of the skin or insertion of instruments or foreign material into the body
A legal charge for defamation of character committed in a written form
Living Will-
The part of an advanced directive that outlines the individuals wishes regarding the type and extend of medicos care to be given
Professional Negligence
Mercy Killing
Performing a deliberate action that results in a painless, easy death for individuals with an incurable disease ; same as euthanasia
Failure to meet the standard of cards that can be reasonably expected from a person with certain training and experiences
Fundamental Truths
Standard methods of performing tasks
Respondeant Superior
legal doctrine that makes an employer responsible for the behavior and actions of his or her employees
a legal charge for defamation of character committees in a spoken form
Beliefs, ideals, and standards that provide the foundation for making decisions and guiding behavior