Quiz Tomorrow Flashcards
Chinese medicine treatment in which tiny needles are inserted into specific points in the body to alleviate pain and relieve various physical, mental, and emotional conditions
Adult Foster Home
A setting such as a family-style home that provides 24 hour care, meals, and supervision for a small number of residents
Alternative Medicine
Health care systems, practices, and products that have no traditionally been performed by practitioners of Western medicine; practices used instead of conventional medicine
Alzheimer’s Disease
Progressive, degenerative disorder that attacks the brains nerve cells resulting in memory loss, impaired thinking, language skills, and changes in behavior
Assisted Living Residence
Facility that provides housing, meals, and personal care to individuals who need help with daily living activities, but do not need daily nursing care;
Health care practice based on the belief that pressure on the nerves leaving the spinal column causes pain and dysfunction of the body part served by that nerve
Complementary Medicine
Health care practices, products, and approaches to health care that have not traditionally been performed in conventional medical offices; practices used together with conventional medicine
Continuing Care Community
Provides a variety of living arrangements that support lifestyles as they change from independent living to the need for regular medical and nursing care
Decline in memory and / or other thinking skills
Expanding Consciousness
A theory developed by Margaret Newman, RN, To assist patients in making their lives as meaningful as possible by focusing on their possibilities rather than their limitations
Gene Therapy
The insertion of normal DNA into cells to correct a genetic defect or to treat certain diseases
Guided Imagery
The use of words and music to evoke positive imaginary scenarios in a person with the purpose of bringing about some beneficial effect
Holistic Medicine
Health care practices based on the belief that all aspects of the individual, contribute to states of health and disease
A health care practice that is based on the idea that “like cures like” . Disorders are treated with very small amounts of natural substances that cause symptoms of the same disorder in healthy people
A facility or service that offers palliative (relieves but does not cute) care and support to dying patients and their families
Admitted to and treated within a hospital
Integrative Medicine
Combines treatments from conventional medicine with complementary and/or alternative medicine for which there is high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness
Intermediate Nursing Care Facility
A type of nursing home that provides personal care, social services, and regular nursing care for individuals who do not require 24-hour nursing, but are unable to care for themselves
Massage Therapy
Manipulation of soft tissues by rubbing or kneading to achieve health benefits
Federally funded but state-administered insurance plan for individuals who qualify due to low incone
Medical Mall
A facility that offers a variety of outpatient services, some of which were previously provided by hospitals
Medication Adherence
Taking prescribed medications correctly as per timing, dosage, and frequency.
Nursing Homes
Facility for the care of individuals who do not require hospitalization, but who do need general nursing care and assistance performing daily living activities
Medications that relieve pain by reducing the intensity of pain signals reaching the brain
Health care practices based on the belief that the body can protect itself against disease if the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, is in good order.
Outpatient Services
Health care services that do not require hospitalization , or ambulatory services
Reducing Pain or severity of a disease, or condition rather than curing it
A rapidly spreading disease that attacks many people at the same time
Psychiatric Hospital
A facility that offers treatment to individuals with mental, emotional, and behavorial disorders
Disorders, including physical illness, caused by mental or emotional factors
Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
A type of nursing home that provides nursing and rehabilitation services on a 24 hours daily basis
Targeted Drug Therapy
Use of drugs to block the growth and spread of cancer cells by preventing them from dividing or by destroying them
Vital Statistics
The number of occurrences related to a specific event for purposes of reporting
Promotion of through preventive measures and the practice of good health habits; when the body is in a state of homeostasis
Someone who is 18 years or older
Advance Directive
Written documents that detail the patients wishes regarding health care decisions; consists of the living will and the durable power of Attorney