Exercise restraining or directing influence over someone or something (to regulate)
It is a method of control that documents and evaluates the job performance of an employee
Employee Performance Appraisal
Employers can measure employee output on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Units of Output
This refers to the frequency of prescription errors
Quality of Work
This is an unquantifiable factor that is difficult to measure.
It includes employee’ss knowledge of the job
Job knowledge
The employees’ willingness to work as a team is essential given that the most pharmacies rely on few people
Ability and willingness to work with others.
Initiative and ability to handle ambiguity
This pertains to the degree to which employee can work on their own and perform relatively unstructured task.
This stage refers to the identification of measures that would distinguish between successful and unsuccessful performance
Establishing standards and measures
In this stage, employers should communicate to employees the guidelines
Communicating job expectations
This stage specifies the required resources of the organization to attain the set goals
Monitoring is the key part of the performance appraisal
Monitoring performance
This stage involves documenting performance through observation, recall, evaluation
This stage involves verbal communication
Giving feedback
Basing on the appraisal and feedback results, various decisions can be made but giving rewards and sanctions.