quiz on 6 & 7 Flashcards
What are the two kinds of relationships statements can have to one another?
opposition and equivalence
What are the four ways A, I, E, and O statements can be related to one another?
Contrariety Subalternation Subcontrariety Contradiction
Which two pairs of statements are contradictory?
A and O
E and I
Which types of statements are contrary?
A and E
Which types of statements are subcontrary?
I and O
Which types of statements are subalternate?
A and I
E and O
Write the contradictory statement to: All lawyers are crooks
Some lawyers are not crooks.
Write the contradictory statement to: No Lawyers are crooks
Some lawyers are crooks.
Write the statement contrary to: No lawyers are crooks.
All lawyers are crooks.
Write the subcontrary statement to: Some lawyers are crooks.
lawyers are not crooks.
Write the subalternate statement to: All lawyers are crooks.
Some lawyers are crooks.
Write the subalternate statement to: Some lawyers are not crooks.
Some lawyers are crooks.