Quiz Bowl Practice Game 3 Flashcards
What does “Kamikaze” mean?
Divine Wind/ Heavenly
What is a doodlebug?
V-1 flying bomb/buzz bomb/V1 flying bomb
The Viking cemetery in Lindholm Høje is one of the largest, it has about how many graves?
Around what year did the Vikings land in what is now called Canada?
Mary Rose was the name of the famous ship that sank in the sight of Henry VIII and the attacking French Fleet in _____.
Duke of Medina Sidonia commanded the Spanish Armada in 1584. True or false
Which King was already known as “Unready”?
Ethelred II
How much of the Arctic Sea ice could disappear by 2050?
The richest half of the world is responsible for what percentage of overall global emissions?
Which animal can survive being frozen solid?
wood frog
How fast can an emu run?
30 mph/50 kmph
What is the world’s largest jellyfish?
the lion’s mane jellyfish
What are feathers made from?
How fast can a roadrunner run?
15-26 mph
A rabbit has how many taste buds?
17 000
taste buds