quiz before final amer govt Flashcards
As opposed to interest groups, pol parties are composed mainly of
office seekers
the most important attempt to limit the influence of lobbyists was in 1995, when congress passed the ___ which significantly broadened the definition of people and orgs that must register as lobbyist
lobbying disclosure act
congressional ethic rules on lobbying that was adopted in 2007 required…
required disclosure of bundled contributions from lobbyists
right to life groups to undermine roe v wade
webster v reproductive health services
watergate scandal was illegal because of
entry of republican workers into tthe democratic office
govt taxing/spending policy
fiscal policy
social security is an example of a ___ program
according to tradition, the social security program requires workers…
is a myth
medicare spending bill passed by gogy w bush in 2003
increased govt spending on medicare
TANF is a thing signed to do what
signed to replace AFDC
party leaders need to raise between how much to put someone on a house seat?
500k to 1 million
republic party supports…
high level of military spending
National League of Cities help make up what is known as
public sector lobby
character of interest groups include:
all of the above
strat for obtaining pol influence that involves gaining access to key decision makers and using courts is called
insider strat
medicaid is a program for low income ppl who meet the…
means testing guidelines