Quiz 7 Flashcards
How is man’s salvation bound up with the Apostles according to Sheed?
Through them Christs teaching and Christ’s life will be given to men until the end of time.
What two things principally does Sheed say is meant by Jesus being with the Apostles until the end of time?
- In union with them we are in union with him
2. He guarantees the teaching they give and the life they dispense to us.
What does Sheed say the words in which Christ makes Peter to be the shepherd of the flock involves?
In three phrases Jesus says he must feed the lamb and the sheep.
According to Sheed, what is the food with which Peter is to feed the flock?
What God speaks, the divine law, his body and blood.
What does Sheed say that we join when we join the Church and what does he say that we don’t join?
We join Christ, not the men who direct it on earth.
What are the four marks of the Church contained in the Nicene Creed?
One, holy, Catholic, apostolic
According to Sheed, the inner reality of the four marks of the Church abides changeless, why?
Christ made his church thus. It can never be otherwise.
In his discussion of the mark that the Church is “one”, Sheed contends that this mark of unity “meant so much to him (Jesus) that upon it he was prepared to stake the proof to the world of ____________________. And It meant so much in itself that he could compare it to the unity ______________________________.”
“his own divinity”, “within the Godhead of the first person and the second.”
In his discussion of the mark that the Church is “holy”, Sheed contends that “the holiness of the Church is simply ______________________________.”
“the holiness of Christ.”
According to Sheed, what are the three characteristics of the mark of holiness?
teaching, means, saints
According to Sheed, “every saint is certain evidence that if you and I are not saints, ______________________________________.”
“the choice is wholly our own.”
In the “Great Commision” of Matthew 28, the Apostles were to teach all that the Lord had taught them. What two reasons does it seem strange to Sheed that so many Christians think the Apostles fulfilled their commission by writing the New Testament, leaving behind them no successors?
- It would mean that only 5 of the 12 obeyed Jesus.
2. The church Christ founded would have only been teaching for half a century.
According to Sheed, the Lord’s words at the Last Supper, “It is better for you that I go” is an utterly clear statement of what?
If he did not go, the Holy Spirit would not come.
Sheed says that Jesus’ words in John 15:5, “I am the Vine, you are the branches” is a decisive phrase. How?
It is not just a union of love and obedience. It is also a living, organic unity.
According to Sheed, the life of grace, by which at last we shall come to the vision of God in heaven, is simply ___________________________________________.”
“Christ living in us, sharing his own life with us, and ourselves responding”
What “new meaning” does Sheed say that we should see in the two phrases used by Our Lord at the Last Supper in John 17:21 and John 14:20?
We are built into our Lord’s humanity, that humanity is the humanity of God the Son, so we are united with the second person and thus the Trinity.
How does Sheed say we are incorporated with Christ, built into his body?
By baptism.
According to Sheed, even when we have grapsed the reality of the Mystical Body, most of us know that we are making scarcely an effort to live up to it. What one single fact does he offer as evidence?
Every Catholic is closer to us by the union we have with Christ than any member of our own family by natural kinship.