Midterm 1 Flashcards
4 Parts of the CCC
- Creed: The Profession of Faith
- Sacraments: The Celebration of the Christian Mystery
- Commandments: Life in Christ
- Our Father: Christian Prayer
Natural theology
The study of God through reason alone.
“The moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbor.” (CCC 1807)
Origin of certitude in the science of theology
God is the origin of theology, and He always tells the truth. He is omniscient, and cannot lie.
3 tasks of theology
- Determine what is divine revelation or what God has revealed.
- Try to understand divine revelation.
- Interpret it for others.
subject matter of theology
God, and how things relate to Him.
3 modes of truth
- Scientific: sensual
- Natural Reason: from natural religion, natural theology
- Divine Revelation: mysteries of faith
actions of the holy spirit with respect to Sacred Scripture (SS), Sacred Tradition/Living Tradition (ST/LT), and Magisterium
SS (Bible) is inspired.
ST/LT (Apostles) is animated
Mag (teaching office) is Guaranteed.
Deposit of Faith or Sacred Deposit, what it is and what it contains
It is the Body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the apostles, handed on by them to the church to be preserved, safeguarded, and proclaimed. (CCC 84).
It contains Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
2 ways in which the Gospel is communicated
Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition
Sacred Tradition
Oral teaching of Jesus, handed down to apostles, handed down (orally) through generations to us.
Both divine and human.
theos: god
anthropos: human
Development of Doctrine
The Holy Spirit causes growth in the understanding of faith through contemplation of the mysteries, experience of spiritual realities, and preaching. (CCC 94)
Hierarchy of truths
All truths require other truths to be understood. The Trinity is the first truth on which all other truths rely. (CCC 234)
divine revelation, nature and purpose
God uses divine revelation to reveal himself. SS contains divine revelation through inspiration of the Spirit. Jesus was the final and complete public revelation.
2 ways revelation is supernatural
- Its content speaks of the supernatural
2. The manner it is disclosed in is Supernatural (prophets, covenants, miracles, etc.)
When our nature becomes like the divine.
theos: god
ousia: to be
characteristics of God from Theology for Beginners and discussed in class
He is infinite, He is existence, He is in everything that exists, His knowing is Himself, He is three persons in one divine nature. He knows and loves infinitely. He is self sufficient. He returns love infinitely. His Word is an idea He has of Himself. His Word is the Son. The mutual love of the Father and the Son is the Spirit. The Spirit and the Son have origin, but no dependence in the Father. God cannot contradict Himself.
doctrine (dogma?) of the trinity
There are three separate persons who share one divine nature.
economic vs immanent trinity and implications
Economic: revealed in economy of salvation. What God does, not who He is.
Immanent: interior life of God. Existed before creation.
CCC 236
attributing an divine attribute to a certain person of the Trinity.
Father: creation
Son: wisdom, truth
Spirit: love, goodness, charity, sanctification
(Patre) filioque
Proceeding from the Father and the Son.
pater: father
filius: son
que: and
To be of the same nature. Consubstantial.
homos: same
ousia: to be
doctrine of creation ex nihilo and implactations
ex nihilo: out of nothing
We should show great gratitude to God for our existence.
angels: what they are and what they do
Angels are spirits with intellect and will, and power surpassing all material things, including humans.
What is the meaning of life?
“To know, love, and serve God in this world so that we can be happy with him forever in the next”