Quiz 6 Flashcards
What does Sheed say is the supreme truth about the Savior, for which the chosen people were wholly unprepared?
He was God.
By way of appropriation, what reason does Sheed offer that the Son, the Word, that became man?
To make a new order of the universe, because the old one was wrecked.
What does Sheed mean by what he calls a double stream of both word and action?
In the Gospels, sometimes Jesus says and acts as a great man, some time he says and acts in a way only God can.
Quote a scripture passage that Sheed offers as Jesus’ statement of equality to God.
“No one knows the Son but the Father, and no one knows the Father but the Son” (Mt 11:27; Lk 10:22)
For Sheed, “understanding what Christ _____ - in so far as beginning of understanding may be made here below – is essential to ____________________________________.”
“is”, “understanding what he does”
Sheed repeats the distinction he made earlier that “nature” answers the question of what and “person” answers the question of who any rational being is. What further distinction does Sheed offer between nature and person?
Nature decides what a being can do, but the person does it.
“In God there is ______________, totally possessed by three distinct persons. This plurality of persons over nature is reversed in Christ Our Lord, for in him the _____________________________.”
“one nature”, “person is one, the natures is two”
What reason does Sheed offer for ever single action of Christ being the action of the second person of the Blessed Trinity?
Every action is done by the person (not nature), and in Christ that person was God.
Sheed offers two great Christian truths to make clearer the truth of about the Christ Jesus being one person and two natures. What are they?
Mary was the mother of God, God died on the cross.
Sheed affirms that second person of the Trinity became man, says there is one single element which might make us wonder if he were wholly man – He does not sin. How does Sheed respond to this dilemma?
Sin is not a way of being man; it is a way of misusing manhood. He never misused his.
What does Sheed say is the real horror of the Monothelite heresy?
It would mean that the human heart of Christ lacked the power to love.
Briefly summarize Sheed’s explanation as to why Jesus’ self-sacrifice and death, in essence, was redemptive; why “it could be set against the sin of the race.”
He was truly man, so his sacrifice could be set against the sin of the race, but he was God, so his sacrifice was infinite, and outweighed all the sin man had, did, and would ever commit.
In Gethsemane, Sheed said, we get some glimpse of what the taking of the sins of men meant to our Lord, Christ Jesus and that He could not make his own the guilt of other men’s sins, for guilt can be only in the sinner. What, then, does Sheed say the Christ Jesus took upon Himself and what did he say our Lord felt in Gethsemane?
He took upon himself the burden of all our sins. He felt the sorrow that we should have felt for our sins and have not felt. It almost killed him.
According to Sheed, after the consecration the priest at Mass says that we offer the sacrifice in memory, not of Christ’s passion only, but also?
“of his Resurrection from the grave, and, as well, of his glorious Ascension into heaven.”
How does Sheet say God shows his approval and acceptance publically, totally, in the supreme sacrifice of our redemption?
The Resurrection shows that the sacrifice was wholly pleasing to him, the Ascension shows that he is actually taking the offering.
“In the Ascension God shows visibly that he is actually taking to himself _____________________.”
“that which has been offered to him”
Sheed says that Christ’s ascension with the marks of his sacrifice still in his glorious body are an everlasting reminder of what?
Man’s sins had been expiated, and that we are now at one with God.
At the Last Supper uttered the words, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by me.” What does Sheed say the Our Lord meant by calling himself the Way?
“No man comes to the Father except by me”
According to Sheed, “Salvation then involves _____________________________________.”
“truth, life, union with the God-Man.”
In explaining the meaning of the Great Commission by Christ Jesus in Mt 28:19-20, what 3 meanings does he associate with ‘life” and what the Apostles were to do?
They are to baptize, forgive sins, and change bread and wine into Jesus’ body and blood.