Final Flashcards
Dat final, boi!
To be of the same nature. Consubstantial. homos: same ousia: to be
Hypostatic Union
In Christ there is a divine nature, a human hypostasis (person), and a divine hypostasis (person). In the womb of the virgin these two concrete beings have one prosopon (outward appearance)
Confession of Chalcedon
Christ is “… to be acknowledged in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation…”
4 reasons why Word became flesh in the CCC
- “in order to save us by reconciling us with God”
- “so that thus we might know God’s love”
- “to be our model of holiness”
- “to make us ‘partakers of the divine nature’”
Sanctifying grace; its nature and necessity, and the relation to the theological virtues
Life in the soul; We can’t make it to heaven?; Sinning against Charity causes us to lose it.
Justification vs Sanctification
Purification of sins vs making holy
Theological virtues, where they dwell, their relation
Faith: accept God as the supreme source of truth, dwells in intellect.
Hope: desire God in certainty that He is attainable, dwells in will.
Charity: love God, dwells in will.
Moral virtues, where they dwell, their relation
Prudence: see world as it is, have right relationship, dwells in intellect.
Justice: burning will that others have their due, dwells in will.
Temperence: turn from attractive things, dwells in will.
Fortitude: face scary things, dwells in will
Ex opera operato
“by the very act of the action’s being performed”. Validity of Sacrament depends on Christ’s holiness, not the holiness of the distributor.
Minister: deacon, priest, or bishop, unless none is available.
Required State: Unbaptized, adult or infant
Frequency: once
Effect: Rebirth, purification from sin, membership in the Body and the Church.
Form: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”
Matter: Water (immersion, infusion, or sprinkling)
Minister: Bishop, or priest with permission
Required State: Baptized, unconfirmed, in state of grace
Frequency: once
Effect: “Pentecostal” Spirit; deeper filial adoption and union with Christ; increase in gifts of Spirit; perfects bond with Church
Form: “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Matter: Holy Chrism and the laying on of the hands
Form: Bishop or priest. not deacon
Required State: Baptized; communion with the Church, state of grace
Frequency: At least once a year; no more than twice a day
Effect: Personal union with Christ; separation from sin; union with the Church
Form: Words of institution
Matter: Wheat bread and grape wine
Minister: Bishop or priest. not deacon
Required State: Mortal or venial sin
Frequency: At least once a year; As frequently as necessary.
Effect: Forgiveness of sin; Reunion with Christ and the Church; Restoration of grace.
Form: “God, the Father of mercies, … “ or te absolvo.
Matter: The acts of the penitent: contrition, confession, and penance
Anointing of the Sick
Minister: Bishop or priest; Not deacon
Required state: Grave illness and/or danger of death
Frequency: repeatable
Effect: Gift of Spirit to face difficulty of illness; forgiveness of sin; union with the passion of Christ; ecclesial grace
Form: Prayer of the priest over the sick person
Matter: Anointing with oil; imposition of hands
Holy Orders
Minister: Bishop
Required state: A baptized man; celibate in the West except for the deaconate
Frequency: Once to each degree of orders
Effect: Indeliable character; configuration to Christ as prophet, priest, and king
Form: Bishop’s consecratory prayer
Matter: Laying on of hands
Minister: In the West: spouses with bishop, priest, or deacon as witness; in the East, the bishop or priest
Required State: A baptized man and woman free (ecclesiastically, naturally, and without coercion) to marry
Frequency: Once, barring the death of the spouse
Effect: The marriage bond (“one flesh”) and marital grace
Form: Exchange of consent; consummation
Matter: The spouses themselves
4 Marks of the church
one, holy, catholic, apostolic
4 Marian dogmas
- theotokos
- perpetual virginity
- immaculate conception
- assumption
Dulia vs Latria
veneration of saints vs worship to God alone
Hyperdulia vs Prototdulia
veneration of Mary vs veneration Joseph
Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist
Sacraments of Healing
Penance, Anointing of the Sick
Sacraments of Service/Mission
Holy Orders, Matrimony
Indeliable Character
Permanent, unrepeatable effect of sacraments on the soul
Degrees of Holy Orders
Deacon, Priest, Bishop
Transubstantiation vs Real Presence
Transubstantiation: Transformation of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
Real Presence: Wherever body or blood is, there is body, blood, soul, and divinity.
The last things
Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell
Council of Nicaea
Responds to Arius, shatters the great chain of being, confesses Son is fully divine and equal to the Father, homoousia, begotten, not made
Council of Constantinople I
Refutes Constantinople I, reaffirmed that (1) Christ has a human mind, (2) Immanent Trinity exists, (3) Holy Spirit is God. Jesus is true God and true man.
Council of Ephesus
Hypostatic union, refutes Nestorius. Reaffirms (1) Christ has only 1 person, (2) Mary is the mother of God because of the hypostatic union.
Council of Chalcedon
Establishes (1) Christ is perfect in Godhead and manhood, (2) He has a rational (spiritual) soul and a body, (3) He is of one substance with the Father and with us, (4) He is like us in all things but sin.
Sanctifying grace vs Actual grace
supernatural life, habitual grace vs supernatural impulsion, divine intervention