Quiz 4. Indices Flashcards
What are the oral hygiene status indices?
Plaque Index (PLI) Plaque-Control Record Plaque-Free Score Patient Hygiene Preformance (PHP) Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (OHI-S)
What is measured on PLI?
Biolfilm at gingival margins
How many teeth/surfaces are scored for PLI?
Four areas on all teeth or selected teeth
Reference Scales for PLI
Disclosing agent used it necessary
Rating Good: 0.1-1.7
Fair 1.0-1.9
Poor 2.1-3.0
What is measured with plaque-control record?
How many teeth/surfaces are scored for plaque-control record?
Four or six surfaces on all teeth
How do you measure for plaque-control record?
Presence or absence of biofilm
Reference scale for plaque-control record?
Range from 0-100%
100% means poor
Disclosing used
What is measured for plaque-free score?
Biofilm-free surfaces
How many teeth/surfaces are measured for plaque free score?
Four surfaces on all teeth
How do you measure for plaque-free score?
Presence or absence of biofilm
Reference Scale for plaque-free score?
100% being excellent
Disclosing agent used
What is measured on PHP ?
How many teeth/surfaces are measured PHP?
Six teeth 3 +8
14 + 24 (facial)
19 + 30 (lingual)
How do you measured PHP?
Each tooth divided into 5 segments
0= no debris
1= debris
Reference scale for PHP
Scores ranging from 0-5
What is measured on GI
Bleeding, color
Reference scale for GI
Circumferential probing motion
Scores from 0-3
What does (OHI-S) measure?
Debris and calculus
How many teeth/surfaces are measured in (OHI-S)?
Six teeth 3 + 8
14 + 24 facial
19 + 30 lingual
How do you measure OHI-S?
1= less than 1/3 of tooth surface 2= 1-2/3 of tooth surface 3= greater than 2/3 of tooth surface
Reference scale of OHI-S
DI range from 0-3
CI range from 0-3
Total range from 0-6
What are the different types of Gingival Health Indices?
Sulcus Bleeding Index (SBI)
Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI)
Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index (EIBI)
Gingival Index (GI)
What is measured for SBI?
Bleeding, color, swelling
How many teeth/surfaces are measured in SBI?
Four gingival areas on each tooth
How do you measure SBI?
0,1,2,3,4 (1), 4 (2), 5
Reference scale for SBI?
Range from 0-5 Standard use of perio probe Wait 30 sec after probing M units: Lingual and labial P units: Mesial and distal
What does GBI and EIBI measure?
What teeth/surfaces are measured for GBI?
Proximal areas of all teeth
How do you measure GBI?
Bleeding or no bleeding recorded after 30 sec
Reference scale for GBI
Range from 0-26 (or 30)
Use of unwaxed dental floss
What teeth/surfaces do you measure for EIBI?
Interdental spaces of all teeth
How do you measure EIBI?
Presence or absence of bleeding after 15 seconds
Reference of EIBI
Scores range 0-26 (or 30)
Use of triangular wooden interdental cleaner
Types on Periodontal treatment needs indices?
Perio screening and recording (PSR)
Community Perio Index (CPI)
What is measured for PSR?
Periodontal disease; used for individuals
What teeth/surfaces are measured for PSR
All teeth divided into sextants
Reference index of PSR
Ranges from 0-4
Specially designed WHO probe is used
What is measured for CPI?
Periodontal disease; used for individuals and groups
How many teeth/surfaces are measured in CPI?
Adult: all teeth
Child: one tooth each sextant
Reference index of CPI
Range from 0-4
Specially designed WHO probe is used
Used in conjunction w/ Loss of Attachment code
What are the different types of dental caries indices?
Decayed, missing and filled permanent teeth (DMFT)
Decayed, missing and filled permamny tooth surfaces (DMFS)
Decayed and filled primary teeth (or surfaces) (dft and dfs)
Decayed, indicated for extraction and filled primary teeth (or surfaces) (deft and defs)
Decayed missing and filled teeth (or surfaces) for children 7-12 years (dmft and dmfs)
Early childhood caries (ECC) and severe early childhood caries (S-ECC)
Root caries Index (RCI)
What is measured by DMFT and DMFS
Caries experience in permanent teeth
How are teeth/surfaces scored in DMFT?
28 teeth (3rd molars aren’t scored)
What’s the criteria used for DMFT and DMFS?
D= caries/restoration
F= permanent or temp restoration placed
What teeth/surfaces are on DMFS?
128 surfaces on 28 teeth (3rd molars aren’t included)
Additional info for DMFS
More sensitive measure than DMFT
What does dft/dfs and deft/defs measure?
Caries experience in primary teeth
How are teeth/surfaces measured in dft/dfs and deft/defs?
20 teeth or 88 surfaces
How are dft/dfs and deft/defs measured?
f=filled, no caries
deft/defs only* e=indicated for extraction
What does dmft and dmfs measure?
Caries experience in 7-12 year old
What teeth/surfaces are measured in dmft and dmfs?
12 teeth or 56 surfaces
8 primary molars and 4 primary canines
Criteria for dmft and dmfs?
m=missing because of decay
f=filled, no caries
dmft/dmfs additional info
Permanent and primary are evaluated seperately DMF and dmf are never added together
What does ECC and S-ECC measure?
Caries status of children 5 years or younger
What teeth/surfaces does ECC and S-ECC measure?
Each surface of each primary tooth visible in child’s mouth
What does RCI measure?
Caries activity of recession
What teeth/surfaces are measured on RCI?
Four surfaces (M,D,F,L) on each tooth
What are indices included in fluorosis?
Dean’s Fluorosis Index
What is measured in Dean’s Fluorosis Index and TSIF
Prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis
What teeth/surfaces are measured for Dean’s Fluorosis Index
Smooth surface of enamel of all teeth
Criteria used for Dean’s Fluorosis Index?
6 categories ranging from normal to severe
Additional for Dean’s Fluorosis
Less sensitive than TSIF but better for community-based screening
What teeth/surfaces does TSIF measure
Smooth surface enamel, cusp tips, incisal edges of all teeth
What is the criteria for TSIF?
Seven numeric categories based on appearance