Quiz 4 Flashcards
disease process of COPM
airways become thick and inflamed
airways and air sacs lose their elastic quality
lung tissue is destroyed
mucus blocks airways
body has difficulty getting rid of carbon dioxide → shortness of breath, fatigue, cough
risk of heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer
impairment level (mild, moderate, severe) and accompanying prognosis based on forced expiration volume
FEV >1.5L mild impairment 10-20 yrs
FEV 1-1.25L moderate impairment 6-10 years
FEV <0.75 severe impairment 2-6 years
risk factors associated with COPD
exposure to bronchial irritants: smoking, job sites, allergens, asthma
appropriate patient education to a client with COPD
eat a low salt diet, limit carbohydrates, active without over exertion, vitamin D, quick smoking, take meds, use supplemental O2
energy conservation: rest, budgeting/prioritizing tasks, banking/reducing energy demands
Work conditioning
rehab to restore functional work tasks (2-4 days/wkly)
Work hardening
multidisciplinary approach to progress client to return to work activities (5 days/wkly)
Functional capacity exam
assesses the client with standardized and validated tools to determine job needs and/or accommodations
clinical test to assist in determining if a client is a malingerer
hand on top of head turning body holding thighs leg log rolling Hoover’s test Burn’s test
appropriate client populations to use the BTE machine with
across the lifespan
pre employment screening/counseling
rehab services, vocational rehab
uses: work conditioning and ergonomic analysis of body mechanics/tool effectiveness
work = force x distance, power = work/time
resistance repetitions, time
role of OT in acute care cardiology unit
evaluate ROM, strength, coordination, balance, activity tolerance
prevent debility
assist with safe and appropriate discharge planning
Identify OT interventions in an acute care cardiology unit
evaluation, intervention (energy conservation and task modification), monitor vitals!
sternal precautions
sternal precautions to an acute stage cardiac client following surgery
no pushing, pulling, or lifting with arms for 12 weeks
AROM not restrictive for ADL participation
approved AROM exercises: shoulder flexion, circles, retraction
use pillow when coughing
“keep your move in the tube”
Kaltenborn Traction Grading System
Grade I: loosen
neutralizes pressure in joint without actual surface separation, pain relief by reducing compressive forces
Grade II: tighten or take up slack
separates articulating surfaces, taking up slack or eliminating joint play
determines joint sensitivity
Grade III: stretch
stretch soft tissue, increase mobility
requirements of a orthosis when fabricating an orthosis for a burn client
sedated patient unable to participate
significant edema resulting in digital clawing
unable to actively achieve intrinsic plus position
circumferential hand burn
intrinsic plus, resting pan, static, mobilization orthoses
Describe burn depth - degrees
1st - epidermis
2nd - dermis
3rd - subcutaneous tissue
4th - muscle or bone
types of burn wounds
Thermal flame contact/cutaneous scald Electrical Chemical
manual techniques
Skilled hand movements intended to produce any or all of the following effects: improve tissues extensibility; increase ROM of the joint complex; mobilize or manipulate soft tissue and joints; induce relaxation; change muscle function; modulate pain; and reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation or movement.
Used by OT’s as a preparatory activity
measures of spirometry
Measures forces expiratory volume, forced expiratory flow and forced inspiration flow. The measure helps with prognosis.