Quiz 4 (6+9) Flashcards
general vitam. fun
cell grwth, maturation, reproduction, gene regul.
supp. based sources can cause
vitamin toxicity
vitam. D
changed RDA 600 IU/ day or 15microg *get from sun ex. salmon, fish, egg, margarine, cheese, milk none reach 600 mark
vitamin D -conditionally ess. nutr
certain circum. not ess.
bc of exposure sunlight
if no sunlight- need from food
influ. vitam. d synth.
location (farther frm equator, harder aquire) darker skin weather, day length windows clothing, sunscreen age-related changes
protein composition
has N cannot use for energy until get rid N "deamination" produce amonia liver converts to urea
9 essen, amino acids
conditionally ess.
complete protein
have all 9 ess . aa
animal products
fish, meat, chicken, dairy
incomplete protein
plant based protein
not have all 9
if combine wide variety can compile be complete
nitrogen balance
determines protein status overall
by measurement of urea
N in = N out
protein recc.
.8 grams/ kilog
10-35% energy fm protein
2g/kil TOO HIGH
1.6 for sports best!!
high protein diet concerns
extra stress on kidney process urea
need lots hydration
can pull Ca from bones
swollen belly
is consuming adequ. cal (fm carbs) ENERGY
can be from weaning too early
wasting of muscles
inadeq protein and nutrition
american diet consumption of protein
developing countries protein
plant based
animal protein
high iron, zinc, Ca
high sat. fat
plant protein
rich fiber
mono+polyunsat fat
amino acid composition
carbon w/ hydrogen
nitrogen grp
acid grp
unique side chain
protein composition
aa chains
shape determines function
start prot. diges.
acid denatures
pepsin breaks dwn polypep.
sm intestine
poly to tripep, dipep and a a
absorbed into mucosal cell
aa absorption
in mucosal cell
*if share same transp. systm
compete for absorp
undigested protein
cause food allergy
aa pool
aa for nonprotein syn
ATP production (energy)
syn. glucose and fatty a
dietary protein
degrad. body proteins
continuous protein breakdown
called protein turnover
growth, maintenance and reg.
tRNA translates mRNA into aa
aa make
nonprotein mol
DNA, RNA neurotrans
aa for energy
aa into urea
c compounds for energy
or gluco./ fatty acids
protein structure
cellular level- cell mem.
protein facilitate
regu. body func.
reg. proteins
enzymes, horm (insulin). transp. pro.
contractile protein (move), proteins for
fluid and acid balance
provide structure
(PEM) protein energy mal.
high protein inc urea production
inc. water loss + wrk by kidneys
inc urinary ca loss