Quiz 3 Acute and chronic disease review Flashcards
Which of the following is not a clinical sign/ or symptom of acute DVT?
- Estrogen intake
- Persistent calf pain
- Shortness of breath
- Head and neck swelling
Estrogen intake
What is the standard medical treatment for acute DVT?
Anticoagulation therapy
Based on Virchows triad, what is the most common reason for the development of DVT?
Venous stasis
Which of the following conditions will NOT impede the venous return from the lower extremities?
- Valsalva maneuver
- Thrombus in the aorta
- Increase right atrial pressure
- Extrinsic compression of the iliac veins
Thrombus in the aorta
Which of the following are possible findings of chronic venous insufficiency?
- Incompetent valves and shortness of breath
- Decreased venous pressure and secondary varicose veins
- Ambulatory venous hypertension and primary varicose veins
- Increased venous pressure and hyperpigmentation in the lower leg
Increased venous pressure and hyperpigmentation in the lower leg
What condition is described as severe iliofemoral DVT leading to hypoxia and eventual tissue death?
Phlegmasia cerulea dolens
How would a sonographer define collateral vessels?
Accessory vessels that re-route flow around an obstruction
Which of these patients would be considered to have the lowest risk of DVT?
- A 36 year old man with lymphoma cancer
- A 75 year old women recently admitted with a stroke
- A 62 year old women post surgical for a fractured hip
- A 72 year old overweight women with congestive heart failure
A 75 year old women recently admitted with a stroke
Which of the following complications is the primary reason for quickly and accurately diagnosing an acute DVT?
- Lymphedema
- Skin ulcerations
- Valve incompetence
- Pulmonary embolism
Pulmonary embolism
What percentage of pulmonary emboli originate from the lower extremities?
Primary varicose veins are the result of DVT? T/F?
What is the most common site of origin of lower extremity acute DVT?
Calf veins and sinuses
The categories of virchows triad include venous stasis and venous wall injury. What is the third category?
- Pregnancy
- Immobility
- Genetic factors
- Hypercoagulability
Chronic venous insufficiency may involve which vessels?
- Deep
- Superficial veins
- Perforators
The doppler spectral scale is set appropriately in this image of the proximal femoral vein? T/F?
Which of the following symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency are related to severe disease?
- Ulceration
- Edema
- Heaviness
- Redness
What portion of the ultrasound examination to assess for venous thrombosis is the most sensitive?
Transverse compressions
What is the most common cause of upper extremity DVT?
Central lines
Which of the following are potential doppler finds with may thurner syndrome?
- Increased flow in the right iliac vein
- Aliasing followed by turbulence in the left iliac vein
- Reflux of the spectral tracing of the left common femoral vein
- A reduced augment with spectral analysis of the left femoral vein
Aliasing followed by turbulence in the left iliac vein
What is the most likely cause for lack of flow in this image of the GSV confluence?
1. Incorrect box angle
2. Incorrect program setting
3. Chronic changes post DVT
4. Acute obstructive thrombosis
- Acute obstructive thrombosis
Which of the following tests is the standard when evaluating a patient with a suspected pulmonary embolus?
- Venogram
- Duplex doppler
- Isotype venography
- Pulmonary angiogram
Pulmonary angiogram
Which is the translation for “Phlegmasia Cerula Dolens”?
Painful blue inflammation
What is the most accurate description of this image of the femoral vein?
- Acute DVT
- Reversed flow
- Normal Cephalad flow
- Non- obstructive thrombus
Non-obstructive thrombus
A patient presents with bilateral leg edema and a negative D-dimer. What is the most likely diagnosis using the conditions provided below?
- Acute DVT
- Chronic DVT
- Primary varicose veins
- Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure
Why is the reverse Trendelenburg position used to assess for a DVT of the lower extremities?
To distend the veins
This hypoechoic structure was discovered lying superficial and medial to the popliteal vein. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A bakers cyst
What is the most likely diagnosis when view this image of the popliteal vessels?
Acute thrombosis
What are the arrows in this image of the internal jugular veins pointing to?
Valve leaflets
This image of the CFV demonstrates the criteria of normal venous flow T/F?
How does a sonographer interpret the information obtained by a distal segment when scanning the proximal femoral vein?
Observing the colour, spectral, and audio
Valvular insufficiency exams are typically performed with a patient standing. If a sonographer were to assess for valvular incompetence, where should the compression of the vein take place for augmentation?
Distal to the probe
Which factor listed, determines the use of a caval filter for patients with DVT?
Contraindications to anticoagulants
Which of the following describes describes an ulcer resulting from venous insufficiency?
- Deep and irregular
- Shallow and round
- On the lateral ankle
- On the dorsum of the foot
Shallow and round
What is the clinical assessment that determines the probability of a DVT?
Well’s score
What diameter is required for the GSV to be considered suitable to be harvested as a bypass graft?
Greater than 2.5 mm
Which of the following best describes this image of the femoral veins?
- Reflux
- Pulsative flow
- A normal image
- Distal thrombus
A normal image
Which of the following best describes this spectral tracing of the femoral vein while the patient performs the Valsalva maneuver?
- Refulx
- A normal tracing
- Reduce augment
- Patient did not perform it properly
A normal tracing
Which of the following best describes this waveform sampled in the proximal femoral vein?
- A normal study
- A distal occlusion
- A proximal obstruction
- Severe reversal of flow
A proximal obstruction
This patient presented to the department with a palpable lump in the medial pop fossa. What is the most likely diagnosis based on this image?
Baker’s cyst
A 48 year old man presents to the department with pain, swelling, and redness in the right calf following a sports injury. What is the most likely diagnosis based on this image of the calf?