Quiz 3 Flashcards
Thickened are of connective tissue just behind the palatal aspect between #8 and #9, that lies over the incisive foramen
Incisive papilla
Thickened line of the connective tissue that lies over the median palatine suture
Median palatine raphe
Transverse folds of connective tissue located in the anterior 1/3 of the hard palate (pre maxilla area)
Palatine rugae
Two pin point depressions (dimples) located at the most posterior aspect of the hard palate, on either side of the palatine raphe
Palatine foveae
Small, pendent shaped, fleshy mass of connective tissue at the midline of the posterior aspect of the soft palate (muscle tissue)
The first fold of the soft palate. Palatal to the tongue.
Palatoglossal ( anterior tonsillar pillar)
The second fold of the soft palate. Where palate and pharynx meet.
Palatopharyngeal (posterior tonsillar pillar)
Bilateral, lymphatic tissue, infection receptors between the above arches
Palatine tonsils
Anterior 2/3
Body of the tongue
Apex, taste: sweet and salt
Sides of the tongue, taste: salt and sour
Lateral surface
Vertical furrows, house ducts of the von ebner g. (Pure serous; located on lateral borders (posterior 1/3) no taste function. Salvatory gland, secrete in mouth. Cancer check.
Follate papillae
The dorsal surface
The surface you see
Thread like structures that cover the entire dorsum of the tongue, abrasive function not taste
Filiform papilla
Round, dark pink, mushroom shaped, fewer in number, scattered across the dorsum, function taste- little red dots
Large, round, flat, dark pink, surrounded circular sulci, 8-12 in number, located anteriorly along the sulcus terminalis, taste function- opening for Salvatory glands
Circumvallate papilla
V shaped line on the most posterior aspect of the body of the tongue; marks the end of the body area; houses ducts of Von ebner gland
Sulcus terminalis
A small depression at the apex of the sulcus terminali, was the point at which the thyroid gland originated embryonically
Foramen cecum
Posterior 1/3
Root/base of the tongue
Lymphatic tissue, deep folds called to solar crypts house ducts of the posterior lingual gland
Lingual tonsils
Attaches at the most posterior aspect of tongue root; extends upward to open the larynx, swings down to close
Bilateral on ventral surface
Lingual veins
Elevated tissue with thread like projections found laterally to vein; house ducts of blandin nuhn (mixed secretions serous, anterior 1/3 of tongue)
Plica fimbriata /fimbriata folds
Band of connective tissue that attaches the tongue to the alveolar bone
Lingual frenum
Bilateral, small, round structures, located just lateral to the lingual frenum; house salivary ducts
Sublingual caruncles
Opens on caruncles, drains submandibular gland
Whartons duct
Bilateral, delicate folds of tissue that run anteriorly to the caruncles
Sublingual folds
Thread like structures found on the sublingual folds; house salivary ducts
Pica sublingialis
Major sublingual duct- opens alongside whartons duct on the sublingual caruncles ***
Bartholins duct
Minor sublingual ducts: opens on the Olivia sublingualis
Ducts of rivinus
The portion of the pharynx that is superior to the soft palate, it is continuous with the nasal cavity/choanae; the adenoids/pharyngeal tonsils are found in the upper post wall of the nasopharyngeal (none are visible)
Portion of the pharynx that lies between the soft palate and the upper border of the epiglottis (opening of the larynx) continuos with the mouth through the propharyngeal orifice or fauces (this is visible)